It's fairly easy to do with OpenLedger. I know others that have done it and pegged a pair with STEEM. If I think about enough, I should be able to come up with an idea of how to tie a token to what you do - running. Maybe issue tokens based on how much verifiable miles/km someone logs:)
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Whoa! That's a very interesting idea, actually. I ramped up my training a bit, so that would be a creative way to keep me motivated.
For some odd reason I keep thinking about solarcoin and how they distribute it via your solar power and verifiable meter readings. With wearable tech like fitbit, and the like, it could be done. Or maybe published marathon results someone runs. a lot of it would be honor system I suppose.
Strava has an API's that can be used here. The point is that people shouldn't be able to abuse it (by setting their activity to be "running" and then driving for 300km, for instance).
In the beginning, you can control the beta testers mostly, so there wouldn't be cheating there. Eventually, the spirit of the whole endeavor, combined with members policing the issue would keep it down. A lot like we do here with Steemit. And Starva looks promising too.
Yeap. Thanks for the suggestion, I might actually do this :)
Maybe if someone organizes a run or walk event, bearing the name of your coin of course, they could be rewarded from the main issuance, or from others.
definitely talk to @steevc - he documents his daily runs on Steemit already, so he might be interested.
damn that's a cool idea re: issuing tokens based on running miles
I suppose if it all worked right, then it could be a way to encourage people to be healthy and exercise. Could have a counter that displayed the millions of miles logged by the effort.