Hey felixxx, that is an interesting question!!
I don’t know what the best algorithm is, but yeah there are a lot of people buying votes, self-voting and doing things out of greed. I notice that some of the highest ranking posts have random facts in them. That is strange...
I think no matter how perfect we design the system, people will always try to take advantage of it. And if they try hard enough they will find a way.
Steem is a self-regulating system in many ways, in the sense that the community regulates it themself. Some want to regulate it by policing everyone a lot but I feel this is a way of the old.
The real question is: can the community as a whole fully step into this new paradigm of sharing, and let go of greed.
I think we can. Over time, the greedy people will become more and more extinct. They might keep their own nice but I feel they cannot dominate the community.
The only way they can dominate is when people give their power away to them.
I made a post of my experience on Steem so far (a few weeks) which is not too rosy but it’s fun anyway.