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RE: We love steem! But how can we make it better?

in #steem6 years ago

There are many ways and it's better to keep focus on the long term growth. A very unique feature we have is that we are a social network of people whore already very interested in crypto, finance, personal freedom and free markets. @steemmonsters is light years ahead of CryptoKitties and has many of its top ranks covered by STEEM DAPPs. @drugwars became #1 DAPP of the world and that would not happen in a world where STEEM wasn't a social network. Just keep on improving this community engagement and support good projects on STEEM.

Exchange Listing

STEEM has only about 5 million USD volume. When listed on exchanges HUNT Token had about 2 million USD volume. More listings like this is going to work well as a good marketing strategy. IEOs are also a great way to have some exposure. Just let people know that e are out here.

Get Existing Content Creators on Blockchain

I don't mean some joke like PewDiePie on Dlive which did nothing. Just get some people to cross post their blogs or YouTube clips on STEEM and have them list STEEM among their social media links and maybe get them to try out some DAPPs. Build a long term relationship.

Interoperability With Other Blockchains

@steemmonsters did this with TRON and @drugwars did this with Obyte. We need more connections like these. Do't make STEEM DAPPs depend on these other networks but work for integration to bridge the community. This is an excellent hedge for a rainy day. The network effect creates more value.

Cost Reduction

This is basically what Steemit Inc has been doing since layoffs and the results are great based on what I see on @steemitblog Currently it cost a lot run DAPPs on EOS (which stupidly put too much burden on the developer) Making things cheaper will lower the barrier for entry for both devs and witnesses making DAPPs and services more abundant.

More Gameplay - Less Reward Farming

Just learn from other MMOs and mobile games and make things more ethical and fun. A person will only spend so much on a single game.

Intelligent Discussions

Reward Curve Deep Dive is one of the best articles on STEEM I've recently read. It's the only non-linear voting solution that I can be fully on board with. We need more smart stuff like this.


Just compare it with everything else that is available a the moment. EOS could become a strong threat, Other than that STEEM could just kill it with SMTs. Just release a bare bones ERC-20 replacement + Market first and then build the rest. This is urgent. Don't be late.