Dear STEEM community,
We're really excited to finally bring this project to the public. Introducing...
What is Viper?
Digitalization has driven major advances in the economy and society. This progress has had a powerful positive impact on the lives of people in developing and emerging countries. Today, more children are educated, fewer people suffer from hunger, child mortality has receded and a global middle class has taken shape.
Viper is a web application written in Javascript that runs in the browser which enables you to create and consume digital contents such as blog posts, videos, sounds, and online courses, created and curated by a truly awesome community which are rewarded with shares driven from the Steem inflation. Multimedia content is stored on the top of IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) along with the LBRY blockchain which are both decentralized and highly stable systems resistant to various issues such as censorship, network failure and natural disasters.
VIPER's primary objective is to provide a free and secure worldwide access to unbiased and quality knowledge related materials such as posts, articles, and courses in the educational and information sharing sector trough a pleasant yet efficient experience while fairly incentivizing content creators and curators using the inflation of the capitalized value of the network subjectively increased during the creation of their materials.
VIPER's secondary objective is to establish an open knowledge market and a transparent competition in the information creation sector as the cornerstones of digital growth stimuli, creating innovation-friendly environment and thus giving people the opportunity for social advancement and greater economic prosperity.
So if you're actually already familiar with Steem, you won't be lost at all, the base is very similarto Steemit excepting that Viper provide new features such as the integration of multimedia content such as sounds and videos and online courses based on chapter which are covering a much larger spectrum of services and functionalities along with a slightly more efficient and professional UI which aims to provide a better bandwidth between brains and the Steem blockchain in order to provide an efficient yet enjoyable reading experience. [viper-whitepaper.pdf]
How Viper works?
Viper works on your favorite browser and keeps care of storing your private's keys very well encrypted using Triplesec, a post-quantum symmetrical encryption algorithm in order to keep your account protected from various threats. Viper also integrates a small database (Up to 10Gb) which permit you to browse Steem offline if you are traveling or if you have a slow network very useful for those who doesn't have a proper internet connection everywhere at any time.
Sounds and videos are mostly stored on IPFS, a decentralized file system, working with a great efficiency, stability and robustness. Since Viper can handle any web API, files can also be stored on LBRY, a multimedia blockchain platform which enjoys to be very stable and very secure against censorship, so your work is staying perfectly safe and most importantly, you have the full control over your favorites masterpieces. Viper split author's post reward and keep 25% in order to improve the quality of our service and continuously improve the general satisfaction of the community along with safely store your creations for post containing multimedia content. Viper's Steem power will be invested in bots providing the community both a diversity and pertinence booster and an extra reward for original and passionate content creators.
Viper's also permit to post some VIPs which are very similar to tweets except that the length is limited to 177 characters. Just like tweets, tags and users are automatically linked and images/sounds/videos are displayed in a fancy way. Let's post some VIPs!
VIPER stand for a better world with more equal opportunities trough a fluid access to high quality free worldwide education and unbiased knowledge materials while reinforcing diversity and freedom of opinion.
Best Regards,
Viper's, Vortex's, and Esteem8's team
Legal ownership: Affolter Matias
This post was funded/promoted by @devfund using a budget of 900.00 USD sent to~20 voting bots.
here - Please do not reply to this comment.All money earned or sent to by @devfund account will be used to fund and promote Steem ecosystem development updates and annoucements like this one. Follow to see what posts get funded. For inquiries please comment
good luck
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Thank You! ⚜
Thanks for your complement ....
Good luck to the new viper technology! The more STEEM users the better
muy impórtante la acotacion sobre la destinacion del fondo.
nice imges
VIULY - analogue of YouTube based on blockchain.
What you need to get free tokens VIU
1 - Registering and verifying your email address, we get 50 tokens
2 - We create our own video channel and load the first video, for this we get 100 tokens
Total number of tokens 1 000 000 000
Tokens VIU is a smart contract blockchain ethereum
2000 token VIU = 1 ethereum
1 ethereum = 844 $
The first decentralized video platform is based on blockchain technology. NOW PAY FOR YOU THAT YOU LOAD YOUR VIDEO. AND ALSO PAY USERS THAT THEY WATCH THESE VIDEOS. REGISTRATION -
Fantastic thank you for i fomation.
find it me very interesting, all of this, I would like to learn more about steemit.
Who are bot that upvote one's work. I've been troubled seriously
Thanks for sharing the post I am here very new person want to learn a lot if some mistake I have
done please I am very sorry hope u seniors understand me thanks have a nice day
nobody's asking you
Thanks I am very new, this is quality post, I will definitely upvote. Please return favor
Well, that all sounds amazing... I love all the work that whales have put into the infrastructure and they certainly do deserve to be rewarded for their efforts (either by working, developing, or investing early) but it's often hard to legitimately agree with the autovotes some whales put on particular content.
how to register this viper @devfund I got interested to try it out if there is a rule of thumb?
This sound like a very good project.. and the more platforms like this that come out the more choices people will have... thank you for sharing
amazing steemit post my steemit frined and nice comment
5 fingers for the creator of this post 👍👍👍👍👍😁@devfund truly extraordinary
Great looking platform. Looking forward to giving it a whirl!
So. Essentially yet another steem frontend with a strange whitepaper and marketing budget.
Not really, LBRY and IPFS also are primary systems.
No marketing budget, quality and enjoyment is our marketing.
So quality and enjoyment delivered $800 upvotes to the post?
Whats your problem with how they spend their assets?
Yes man, bots has been funded by a few members of the community.
It is a free initiative in an open ecosystem, @devfund kinda like Steem's Mother Earth.
Honestly for the coding work required $800 is a bit undervalued. They’ve done some awesome work and imo it’s a good initiative. Everyone wants a slightly different so the more we have out there the better!
I agree. That's why I believe in showing to non technical people the real process, all the failing, all that have to be fixed how should be fixed. I did it once with a friend of mine and he told me "I didn't imagine all you have to do to create a program" and it was a really simple project.
We are talking about 663 sbd and 170 sp, the actual value of the post is closer to 2700 euros.
And I think it's good to have stuff like devfund to actually kickstart projects like this one.
Oh, that’s probably still a bit low for the dev work required but it’s definitely fair pay.
Does viper allow us to earn lbry credits aswell, is that integrated?because it would beneficial to link any dtube videos up to lbry as a secondary source of crypto, also have you considered doing a Snapchat style picture with filter app, open source filters that can be upvoted. I hate the fact that my favorite snap filters end up disappearing for cutesy ones. :/
and each one is a fishing net out in the giant ocean of capital.
this is a very good thing.
And 25% fee and weird key storage in a dB?
Wherever you are logged in, the website store your private's keys somewhere in a DB. Viper is one on the only app to implement post-quantum encryption algorithms to really secure your account.
I read the white paper; I publish in computer science, which method are your referring to, more specifically?
I also see the team read Stafford Beer's viable systems stuff; very good!
I like the interface; will there be support for typesetting mathematics? MathJax like Wordpress and MathOverflow, or something like Overleaf?
Privates keys are encrypted using Triplesec a triple-paranoid, symmetric encryption library.
Mathematics typesetting will be integrated in the editor for online courses using something like KaTex.
Who guarantees the security of private keys when stored off the Steem blockchain? That's likes saying, trust me with the keys to your bitcoin wallet.
Centralised storage is asking for trust in these services that they will not be abused. This cannot be guaranteed, by the service provider. It also makes it a target for hacking.
No, your keys are stored on your computer just like Steemit, we never touch your keys once, but most importantly you don't have to put your password again and again, since the encryption algorithm enable you to just put a PIN code with an even better security as comparing to Steemit.
I agree with @isnochys. 25% retention of post payouts to use this Steem interface, what??? I don't think so! Some one is looking for a very sizeable profit.
There is no need to store our private keys in your DB, that defeats the concept of decentralisation and security.
With the recent abuses of permissions assigned to platforms such as DMania and the like, these two points are are massive red flags.
Its a pity, because the interface at first glance does look like an improvement upon
And I agree. 25% is ridiculous. You should at least make it limited by time, or I won't even consider going to your network. Like, it's already not easy to grow your account from scratch.Maybe enough just provide posting key? we need a clarification here.
so it actually works?
indeed .
I was just going to ask the same thing. While the offline-mode and key storage might be nice, I don't see any real reason to switch away from using Steemit and Busy in favor of this. But then again, I love having options, and it is great to see more alternatives. If everyone just keeps using Steemit, the blockchain will likely grow at a much slower pace, and we all lose on it.
Compare, try it out, choose what you want ;)
Competition is very healthy.
Yeah, I agree :) I might try it, but to be honest, a 25 % beneficiary is preventing me from giving it a real consideration. This is actually a lot of money, so I would not really be willing to give that away just for a very nifty features.
they might get a hefty delegation which will add extra value to post there...we'll see!: )
Probably some kind of minnow-booster as a diversity and pertinence booster system ;)
That's a good point. It will definitely increase the appeal if they get it.
Competition is healthy for sure, but with that 25% though.. Personally will play around with it to see if it's for me.
sorry i am new here what is whitepaper?
From the Whitepaper : Are you serious?
From the Whitepaper:
Gamification? Bate? Mental Barrier?
Pass that bong to me, please...
Enough for me, I skipp this one, what were you thinking?
You hjust made tldr of the month for me
Hahaha you made me lol quite hard. This project does sound a bit shady... The part that shook me was the "Viper split author's post reward and keep 25% in order to improve the quality of our service and continuously improve the general satisfaction of the community."
So VIPER takes both donations and a (fucking big) fee. What's the point here of using it instead of Steemit if we're gonna loose a quarter of our gains (and I'm not that big, those gains I'm making are not that big..)
Steemit takes 25% as well, as does dtube, and dmania.
Steemit does not take any fee. Some other services do "charge a fee" via the beneficiary system.
very good, to increase my knowledge, because I am still a beginner
Have you seen @steemit 's wallet? Also if you notice when you get a 50/50 split your steem power reward is much lower, between the 25% curation reward and what you are paid out it does not equal what it it is supposed to. @steemit collects part of your steem power reward. Not that I blame them they created the site.
You are wrong.
When you use 50/50, this means that your total payout, lets say $10 will be distributed by following scheme:
remaining 75% will be split 50/50 SBD and Steem
Since SBD is booked to be dollar equivalent, it will give you exactly 50% of 7.5 in SBD or 3.75 SBD. The other 3.75 will be paid in steempower. If steem value is $3.75, than $3.75 will be 1 Steempower as payout, or if steem is more than 3.75 than steem will be paid as steempower.
No hidden fees
So if this is the case, can you explain his wallet? and how he can afford to fund every new account that comes to steemit?
It certainly isn't 50% of the USD value of the total paid out. It is VERY skewed to favor SBD on payouts. We had to create our own sheet to get the real 50% payout.
As @furion pointed out, Steemit does not take a fee. You might be thinking about the curation "fee" where the curators get 25 % of the pending reward. This will still be happening on Viper as well, in addition to the 25 % cut they take.
It's true that other sites also have beneficiary systems, but it's often not 25 %. I think 10 or 15 % is a lot more common.
It is similar to Dtube and Dsound. We might probably lower the fees to 15% for blog post only and keep 25% for multimedia content. We'll adjust the price as time is moving forward but for now it roughly is 25%.
Have you seen @steemit 's wallet? Also if you notice when you get a 50/50 split your steem power reward is much lower, between the 25% curation reward and what you are paid out it does not equal what it it is supposed to. @steemit collects part of your steem power reward. Not that I blame them they created the site.
This is just wrong, @infamusfiend. Steemit does not get a part of the Steem Power reward. The reason why less than 50 % of the reward is from Steem Power is because the blockchain still treats 1SBD as 1USD, while it is clearly not.
Also on another note, I cant see the differentiation factor of Viper. And from those snippets of the whitepaper i just read, it gives me the impression that the creators are not professional at all.@imfamusfiend you need to do more research on how steemit does post payouts, read the whitepaper. You're spreading incorrect information.
Wow. Bro. You enlightened me! Didn't even know that and I've been here for 3 months now..
Well I'll try this VIPER platform out
i quite agree with you there, i dont know about others anyway
Yes, viper's system promote donation and support for donations, the mental barrier as we are talking about is the lack of simplicity.
The terms are a bit rough as we see as it is, the marketing is designed to be the most efficient possible, and protection systems are designed in order to keep and maintain a "positive" order and control along with a lot of competition.
Meanwhile, attracting users, and providing a useful and enjoyable experience is the essence of our advantages. Think of it as an engineered stream of excitement.
cave to cave
lmao I thought whitepapers were supposed to be formal and professional.
Looks interesting. I love seeing new applications on Steem.
There seems to be something unique about this app(Its obviously got the attention of the big guns here based on the vote value this post has got) but I cant seem to figure out what exact problem this app solves, I will keep thinking about it .
I facepalm whenever I see these categories on a new frontend.
What do you mean?
Your ideas are welcomed.
They are just stale categories d we should have more interesting categories maybe show some links to some popular new future Communities? Like Earth Porn, GirlsGoneWild TwoXChromosome, Videos etc etc those will be HUGE on steemit when we have communities (substeemits )
You should soon be able to favourite categories and NSFW will probably be possible to enable in settings along with more diversified NSFW categories.
Diversity // Quality // Pertinence
One of the main goal is to provide a better diversity in the ecosystem but default categories are the trending ones.
I think playing with the timeframe (shortning it) would make different tags come up.
Then you could have a rising tag list, which would be the delta of last week # of posts or $ in a tag.
Lots of things are possible the steemit default has been abused and is now almost static and meaningless.
Looks amazing I will try it out too!
Once 0.001 breaks all hope will be gone. :-(
Thanks for your trying ...
Wow! We have another way to log into Steem! Well done!
Interesting to see new interfaces to the Steem blockchain
Keep up the good work
The website is interesting. I think that the key to success would be a mobile app though
Looks interesting
This comment has received a 3.13 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @suffragator.
Pumped to post some VIPs!
More and more platform related to steem blockchain. Thats great👍
This comment has received a 1.56 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @hurrahay.
I liked the idea of browsing steem offline. It is important for me as I reside in a area where internet connection is not good at all. wish you all the best
When I read like "stores your private's keys encrypted with Triplesec, a post-quantum symmetrical encryption algorithm" I'm not sure if I am dumb, or if another block-chain entrepreneur is using hogwash cryptographic language to sucker me out of Shatoshis. ~TheTruther
Triplesec has the advantages to be post-quantum proof but especially take ~700ms to encrypt or decrypt your keys which means that brute-force attacks are very unlikely to happen even with small pin code which will also be integrated.
As it takes 700ms every login, your account is logged instantaneously and your keys are being processed in an async way.
It is very important to us since it can provide a very high security without requiring you to put your private key every time and instead use a smaller password. It improve UX and security^^
Nice. Online courses would be really great under the Steem platform.
This looks like a huge undertaking. Great work too! How am I just now hearing about this?!?! Aslo....What is Vortex?
Vortex is a P2P chat application just like whatsapp but with a far better security level.
Learn more at Vortex is working with Viper and will be intergated into the application.
Thanks for the super-fast response! Should I toss a witness vote your way?
Interesting concept will follow Viper
I'm up for trying anything on the Steem Blockchain. If it helps me grow my my follower base and help me find another avenue for getting as many eyes on my work as possible then I'll help test it out. Sign me up!
it's an Interesting project, I go to try it!
extraordinary, you are super, still very successful!
you may also get into my profile :)
hurrrrr 25% hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Holy, it looks awesome!!
looks amazing. Does it use steemconnect or separate sign up to get started using viper
It use your browser and store your private keys on your computer (in your browser only) using a post-quantum encryption algorithm^^
Loooking more fluid, but waiting for an Android application, which i can use to watch dtube videos on my smartphone.
We still need to virtualize everything in order to improve fluidity on smartphone and it will be released on the android store^^ You can count a bit less than a month.
sweet. Nice that you plan an android application! eSteem and zappl need competition! Keep it up!
Great to see a new way of viewing the blockchain. Particularly like the ofline idea this will very useful for those with limited internet access.
Thanks, providing knowledge in restricted regions such as Africa or Asia is one of our commitment.
In America and Europa it reduce bandwidth and provide a flawless experience.
i have vote u pls u should vote me pls
I love the offline part of this app. Lets try something different. I'm on it
Great project is worth, a very good help for the community, thank you for your work and greetings. Gran proyecto vale, una muy buena ayuda para la comunidad, gracias por tu trabajo y saludos.
Hmmmmm. this is so interesting. but am still trying to wrap my head around it. Once i do ....i think i will be all for it..
I have been building a quiet team of blockchain developers specifically for improving the platform of steemit so that the blogging experience is more streamlined and user-friendly. I have to say, if I'm speaking to the devs of this team / project, this has got to be the absolute coolest product that has come to steemit yet! My gosh, you have taken the ideas right out of my head! I absolutely 100% love this idea so much!
Part of the struggle of becoming "mainstream" in this day in age is Aesthetics, and not just a small part, a very very large part. Unfortunately, the way things look matter a lot more than the way things function, but this platform seems to have the best of both worlds! I can't wait to use it! I'm going to the webpage as soon as I'm done writing this comment to start working on new content! You're totally getting a RESTEEM out of this and I will be making a video about this platform sometime this week to not only spread to other steemit users but also to drop on YouTube!
Out of all my friends, I've been able to get 6 of them to transition over to steemit and begin blogging, there are about another 15 or 20 however that I haven't been able to capture the attention of. I think Once I show them Viper they are going to be astounded and totally on board! I'm not just thanking you personally, I'm thanking you on behalf of steemit! Its products like this that change the world and move us into a new era. Every inch we take with steemit bringing it closer and closer to the mainstream, the closer the steemit blockchain gets to global widespread acceptance. I'm not sure about other steemians but I believe that steemit is the future of social exchange - proof of thought is genius. Dan Larimer is a godsend to crypto, you guys who developed this product are a close second! I thank you a thousand times thank you!!
I guess now I'll start directing my developers to work on other projects. If you need any aesthetic design help, do not hesitate to ask me for anything you need. I'm an animator and I can do anything from still frame images, high-frame-rate animations in fully 3D Vector environments, renders, schematics, you name it I can do it! So if you need some help on the project to create a more polished final product, I'm all yours for the taking :-)! I would be honored to work with you guys on this project if you need me! I made a promise to myself that all of 2018, any art work I produce is going to be 100% related to crypto - and since I joined steemit I changed the ratio to reflect 50% of my work being directly related to steemit and the other 50% being related to crypto as a whole. Me working for you guys fits within the boundaries of the promise I made myself :-)! ROCK ON!
I can't seem to find the RESTEEM button for this post, is it possible that it's been disabled? I've looked all over!!
BTW I don't typically up vote my comments but I did in this case to get this question answered... I want to RESTEEM it so I also have it as a reference in my own blog... Thx in advance!
Yes very likely^^, QH UI has npw been a requirement since the competition is just insane, Steemit brings so much technical advantages that a good UI is just what Steem is needing in order to fully extract its potential, we're grateful to se more and more improvements in Steem gateway quality standards and hope to raise a bit the competition.
Yes, same issues for us personally, Steem has gathered a lot of passionate, the more the UI is of a high quality, the more the "adoption" mental barrier is becoming easier.
We'll contact you, we've some plans for a presentation video.
looking forward to trying this platform out IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
This is awesome. I like that you can use it offline. I live on a yacht in a marina and the wifi isnt that great. Also i like that you have everything in one spot. Very cool 👍🚤⚓
Steemit UI is pretty poor, but Viper isn't any better.
Boxes are not a very readable format (they're scannable, not readable, and hard to scan at that when there are four-a-row). Therefore, pictures hold a heavier sway than usual, which is not a good thing if you're interested in media other than multimedia. Mobile view (list) is again cluttered with fat dividers.
However, what bothers me the most is the red background which looks nice only at first. As it is saturated (i.e. it's not mostly on the black-gray-white part of the spectrum) it will be much harder to read, view images, and it only defines the platform (Viper), possibly clashing with content, instead of letting the content (authors) embellish the platform. That means authors look thrown a bunch like cattle instead of being provided a place for their work.
I didn't like the visual design, but hey, cheers and best of luck!
Thanks for your feedback ;)
It's inspiring to see the Steem network growing.
It happens just as we are breathing.
Ones awake while other's are sleeping.
Still together, the same thing we're dreaming.
Peace, Love, Abundance!
As a Steemit musician and songwriter will this be of great benefit to me and my creativity?
It does look very good and full of weight in the current market.
I want an avenue away from YouTube and feel Viper could be just the thing!
Yep, we're trying to look at what musicians and photographs could benefits the most of viper, we already have some concept in phase of test. It should be very similar to the concept of videos but if you have any ideas, feedback or requirements we would be glad to hear it!
That sounds great!
I'd like to discuss this music development further if that's OK?
Where can I best contact you?
For now, the simplest solution is trough comments, then we can eventually make the conversation goes private if necessary.
That sounds good to me.
WHAT???!!! This is sick!!! Can't wait to give it a test drive, looks amazing so far. I REALLY like the offline database feature, very handy. I hope this takes off and become huge. The black theme is also so much easier on the eyes. Thanks for posting and letting us know about this amazing service! cheers!
The idea looks interesting but the verbosity of the post somewhere hides the true differentiators between Viper and Steemit or any other similar platform. I think you guys should either write another blog post mentioning just the features which stand out as compared to the competitors or add it to this blog post itself.
Also, I like the fact that you guys are using the blockchain ecosystem to build the platform. I hope more projects in future take the same approach. All the best!
Take the time to read about VIPER I loved it, this introduction they gave to know the project is very useful because it motivates to participate and be part of the project. Propose security, is open to everyone and also allows us to continue making quality post to show them to the whole community. If I make a small comparison as an example between VIPER and Steemit I could say that Steemit is like the bitcoin a pioneer but with details, while VIPER would be like any other new crytomoneda that is correcting those details and imperfections to offer users a better use. best platform. It is like a project in my opinion better elaborated. Soon I hope to be part of it. Good post.👍❤️💥
Exactly thanks.
Am so extremely happy about this APP. Great design, great search out. With Viper I don't think i need other APP to browse especially my STEEMIT so far it will please my hitch free grudges on tactical search out. I expressed which am not implying others to try and promote this Great Technology to all other platform. On downloading right now,I think VIPER will be more safer and also instead of using Facebook APP video I think VIPER can solve my problem in that aspect and drudges on my popping out notification,I admit VIPER will be the BEST to reach out to in this. STEEMIT have improved a lot in adhering GREAT researcher to spread out this kind of APP to it's platform and also incoming GREAT innovation that will be of great help to steemians.I STAND WITH VIPER.JOIN ME AND STAND WITH VIPER TO SAVE GRUDGES AND DRUDGES ON SOCIAL PLATFORM.THANKS.LOVE VIPER
I took time to read your whole article here. blog posts, videos, sounds, and online courses, are included in 👍👍👍
It's really very informative and fantastic way to sharing articles, knowledge, post, eventually it's a free learning platform for all.
""Viper also integrates a small database (Up to 10Gb) which permit you to browse Steem offline like if you are traveling and don't have a working internet connection everywhere at any time.""
It is a also good for off line steemit browsing...😱😱
Thank you Sir for creating this kind of platform which helpful for all.
Sounds and LQQKs like an awesome platform! Happy to upvote & resteem in the spirit of innovative competition! Awesome, here's to a stellar launch & success of tha VIPER !!
This sounds like a good idea, though I'm totally against taking authors rewards, not sure how you compare to other steem platform access points. Also concerned I've never heard of Viper before. SteemOn
Steem Steem (STEEM)
$ 4,40 USD ( 6,21 %) 0,00047149 BTC ( -2,41 %)
Great post.
I realized that you are a good will person..your mind is so high..I feel in always time.. it is my changing in my life... in a middle I need a many contribution ... I hope that I always time help getting for you.. everytime I am following for your post becesue your post imformative for us......Hello
I will try.. I always time.. I followed you and other persons I inspired in your post.
i will always upvote and resteem
enjoy it
your one 100% upvote changing my life
Thanks, glad that you appreciated the whitepaper!
that's a awesome idea..i agree your article....i think everyone accept your new idea., a very interesting application to use. whether I can ask permission to translate your post to the Indonesian language and I postingkan on my blog. do you allow me.
Of course! Thanks you
Thanks, I will do it.
This is a great innovation, it makes people feel secure, this is type of application I have been waiting for, I like your intellect , tom up.volt me
We like to provide both side's strengths while avoiding both side weaknesses. It make our users feel secure and provide our users benefits from free content and fair rewards.
Stay tuned, an update is coming soon!
I've checked it out, but honestly there's a couple changes that would need to be made before I'd consider switching to use your frontend.
First, it's the categories. I like how on sites like Reddit I can pick and choose which categories I want by subscribing, so in a sense I'd love to have it so instead of seeing the stock categories or topics, I can instead select my own. That'll actually tailor the site for more people. It's honestly one of the reasons I didn't join Steemit almost a year ago because I thought it was just yet another cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast community, didn't seem like it was a very diverse platform. For those not signed in, might be wise to show random categories for the first 5 or so topics to showcase that point but I digress that one. When you have an account and log in, make it so I can choose what's there on that side bar.
Final thing, I really want better filtering. I don't know how this would be done. I don't understand other languages that aren't English (or ASL, PSE and SEE sign languages). I want to personally somehow filter out non english posts if that's possible. I'd also like to see and respectively split away from the blogs section similar to how you have video and blogs split already. Final filter that I'd like to see is a keyword filter so that I can personally hide posts from view that match keyboards for things I just don't give a damn about at all. This is to reduce clutter of having to look through so much to find something of interest.
For example, I have an interest in the blockchain itself and how it functions because it's interesting enough for me, but I don't care to see the rise and fall of the price in Bitcoins. So filter out Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, etc by my keyword filter and I'd no longer see those in the feed until I remove the keywords.
The filters aren't absolutely required to get me over, but the categories is a definite must to make me switch. Get the categories as I requested, I'm sure you'll find more will enjoy Viper over straight Steemit.
Thanks for your awesome feedback,
negative feedback are the feedback types we value the most.
Well, not so much negative feedback as constructive criticism with suggestions to get me on board. I consider Negative Feedback to be "Eh, this sucks ass, fuck this and fuck you, you suck. LOL KYS" that sort of thing. I get what you meant though. ;)
One extra suggestion. Steamd, the way you see how much bandwidth and voting power you have. Integrate something like that in the top bar so we can actively see what our bandwidth limit and power is instead of having to go to a third party site to figure it out. Just crossed my mind since I, as a newbie, ran into that bandwidth exceeded issue.
Might be good to also make sure to put a little details about that as well in the FAQ for ease of accessibility. Confused the hell out of me and almost made me quit Steemit due to lacking and poor information about what it was and how to check it.