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RE: The person behind your Steem

in #steem7 years ago

Well despite every effort to be anonymous, gradually people will reveal who they are and funny they might never realise that they have done so. Steem isn't the only blockchain technology product in the market, there are several and some of them are into KYC and ID and stuff. With time, it would take a little forensic investigation to put 2 and 2 together.

That being said, a blog is supposed to be a platform where a blogger can express his or her preferences, hobbies, thoughts, desires and postulations without worries. They might not directly bring out their personalities in their post but believe that one way or another, their personalities will seep through and soon without seeing a name, you would be able to identify a blogger's content without seeing the name.

Yet, leaving a signature or imprint of yourself on Your content is worth doing. It is fair for everyone involved, especially those meeting you for the first time, to be able to identify what makes you tick. This gives you humanity and no too human is the same even if they agree on the same ideas.


With time, it would take a little forensic investigation to put 2 and 2 together.

I have written about this before that with a half decent AI, most people are revealed relatively quickly.

their personalities will seep through and soon without seeing a name, you would be able to identify a blogger's content without seeing the name.

This is what I mean. This is the person in the content, not a name.