
This is what you showcase to someone with an influential upvote?

Drafts, proof-reading, editing. . . All of that will go a very long way and when you put more care into your work and publish only your absolute best, you will see positive changes and won't have to go chasing readers/votes..

It looks to me like you typed it up on-the spot in the STEEM editor and hit publish without reading it over, formatting for aesthetics and most of all lack of spell-checking.

Maybe I'm wrong in that assumption, but that is how it comes across as a first impression.

What you wrote is valid and could be interesting to the right people (and there are people out there for every possible topic), but it's the presentation that is lacking and where you might be losing would-be supporters.

I hope you don't take too much offence to this - worst case scenario would be to jump on the defensive, best case scenario is you try to learn and improve from it.

Good luck!

N: Just for any doubters who try to take this route - I do understand that English is not everyone's first language, but this is 2019 and there are so many tools out there for writers online that not being a native English speaker is no excuse anymore. Incorrect use of grammar is one thing but sloppy punctuation/capitalization and lack of running your drafts through a decent spell-check is an entirely different thing..