
Well, I do not expect everyone to jump on board.

But I think that many will.

I find it ironic that you complain about my SP while, at the same time, you continue to harass me although you made it clear you hate me and my blog. I had to borrow SP in order to fight the down vote war of your friends on all my work.

Hey drama queen, you can stop putting words quoted by me that are made up in your fantasy mind. Never was said. You don't know my friends either.

Back to the 3k+ SP and free bots.....I think that Original works was created to help those starting out with low SP. Not for someone, even with rented power, as high as you. Some in the community would consider that raping from the steemit pool.

Again, if you hate me so badly, as you have clearly let me know, then your harassment of me does not look good on you.

I had to rent SP to fight the down votes I get.

And you always complain about it while hanging with the people who do that to me.


Just go away.

You're right everyone should go away and let you wither away on the vine. Seems like your trolls are the only ones commenting on your blog.

You were not supposed to rent sp to flag people and upvote yourself. Supposed to curate the community. When does your rent end? 1 more week? Or will you be renting more since you like to cheat the system?

More putting words in my mouth never uttered, you're something else........

Then leave me alone.

If all of you stop down voting my work I will be happy to be on the system instead of defending myself.

your content is crap and you are abusing steemits rules. You have never been good at following rules or laws

I have no intention of leaving. As long as you are here gaming the system I will be here as well. You can't have it both ways. Its sad that you can't get it through your mind that you are not wanted here and are spinning your wheels trying to get rich.

Again Troy you invited me here! I'm still waiting to make this money that you said we were going to make so I'm in it for the Long Haul

You are not wanted here. Trolls do nothing good for the community.

Trolls like you @thediyworld should leave,
I agree 100%. You are not helping this community because you are CHEATING the system!

So creating four accounts is good for the community? Kind of lost here can you help get 4 accounts here? Because I want to make this money here you promised

Leave bigjeff alone. He is a valued member of steemit. He doesn't break the rules as you do. Its you who are not good for our steemit community. Go away

downvoting is a tool invented by steemit to rid this site of bad and unscrupulous members. Nothing wrong with letting a member know that you are fed up with the deceit and lies they have brought to this site. I bet the good sites love the ability of viewers to up or down vote content.

Have you noticed your entire viewing audience are the people you call trolls? What happened to the troy lovers you recently begged to come to steemit? Not a one showed up. Could it be that this is yet another failed venture like all the others in your past? Yes that's it

a little baby that thinks he is owed help by steemit for putting out crap videos full of deceit and lies. This is how he has lived his life almost 50 years and its still what can my country do for me type thinking. Poor Poor troy, never learned.

@thediyworldTroy How will you share the revenue? Would that be the folding stuff - real dollars? Or will it be that cryptocurrency crap that most online criminals deal in?

Well now this is not the right place to be bad mouthing like that.

Much like you say of Youtube.

What kind of currency will it be, Mr Scammer?

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Everyone can see that for themselves.

If you dont like us then leave.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

The Michigan Mouseman evading the questions once again with a "cut and paste" answer!

as a highly valued member of steemit I think its time this community put out the trash. Trog needs to leave for abusing our rules. 4 accounts and renting steem to stop other members from expressing our right to downvote his utter crap.

Pretty Polly throw him a cracker

what is see is a steemit member (obviously not in good standing with the rest of the steemit community plagiarizing another member's content and calling it his own- the soap making video. Why do you think you are getting such a bad reception here? Its because you have been outed as a fraud.

Well now this is not the right place to be bad mouthing like that. That is steemit gold right there. You abuse the system and have 4 accts and don't spread it around to help others but borrow power to downvote all of which is against the rules but you find it abusive for a viewer to give his opinion?