
You attempt to perform a quick fireball attack:
You have activated gobbo, as an WIZARD you must use the difficult attack !mysticblast to equal or beat his attack!.. you will see his attack below shortly it seems like you slipped on a banana! Not enough time at Wizard School or something? Gobbo happened to be walking by, knows youre an easy target, so he attacks...@gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening blast:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but it clips the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice! Nice! with bonuses you hit for 8 and totally killed gobbo, you may run !gobbodrop should you wish a special bonus item before doing another attack. Your next attack will be against the Stage Foe again


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fibreball looks pretty and magical as it flys through the air making fancy swirls, but where will it hit? Impossible to predict its trajectory, yet it burns the enemy with a hit of 5 points. Hocus Pocus and roasted! Bad luck you needed to hit for 6 but you hit for 5 Better luck next time, you lose a life