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RE: Steem Consensus Witness Statement: Code Updated

in #steem5 years ago

Regardless of how you feel about Justin, Ned or this situation.

What we learned today is that a small group of people can make a decision, write code and execute it without a single public conversation.

I am very thankful today for this lesson in our governance model.

Thank you for bringing that to light, it will be discussed when everyone has forgotten about what their first reaction to Justin was.


This was not a small group and you’re running your ignorant mouth about shit you know nothing about.

Yea, you’ve got all those moron sheep who follow you to believe you, but, you’re just making yourself look like a fucking fool.

65 people who were hand selected.

So, you’re butthurt. 65 people, 95% of which have contributed far more than you ever will.

Consider the reasons you weren’t invited.

Not butthurt, but it is very easy for me to come up with several reasons I wouldn't be invited.. one is stake, two is I am not a witness, three is people could easily guess I would be opposed based on views I have been vocal about. There are many more.

Would you care to share what the criteria was? That could change my opinion.

I second you on this. This is an interesting lesson given to everyone about the governance model of Steem, probably one of the biggest (hardest for some) since I'm there. But well, we keep learning day per day.
I am still torn between few feelings... even if this is not a big suprize to me.
Apparently Justin has reacted :