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RE: The calm before the storm

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I actually think he will gain the majority also at some point. I mean he can out money us.

I doubt very much he will drop a hardfork, but of course I could be wrong.

If he does any number of issues could arise, but I'd be guessing if I threw them out.


I'm not having any positive feelings we are making progress with anything. I see Justin powering up socks and pushing deceptive narratives in Discord to gain even more power on his socks. He says he doesn't want to affect governance but that's all I see he is doing.

I think the best approach may end up being creating a sister chain based on a snapshot from right before Sun's sock puppets gain supermajority. Cut out Steemit, Inc's stake. If the Koreans or whoever drop community witnesses in favor of the socks, cutting them out, too, should be considered.

"He doesn't want to"... yet. He first wants proxy.token to drop those 7 votes so it's cheaper for him to achieve 17. His approach is so blatantly obvious.

He can‘t sell the STEEM while still holding up governance?