Yeah, I agree he might have been engineering it, but seriously a year-long ICO and building and it has already been out for 6 months.
Meanwhile, we are getting ready to accept SMTs Lite from SteemIt, Inc. Yeah the market took a rough road the last 2 months, but what about all the months leading up to that.
If they are our only plan,... I don't feel good about the future.
Yup we need drastic change. Keeping the same leadership will only continue to get the past results.
We must start from what and where we are now, not what and where we have been in the past or what and where we will be in the future.
What we are in the future is what and where we are now.
Change is now, the future is now, not yesterday or tomorrow.
When you want to change and make a plan to change tomorrow, you are still the same today... because tomorrow = today ...