Ok so I let everything about the steembots domain just lapse including my email so I'm going by memory here but...
Trogdor earned his bounty, he got all but the last piece flattened and this was flattening stage was 95% complete.
However there was another phase of stripping it down to the bare minimum functionality and that work was what I was trying to focus on when I dropped it. However the only code I ave left on that project is what's up on github.
As for health, I found out that I have macular degeneration, the migraines were just one symptom. I'll live, but my sight is going to hell a lot faster than it should for a man my age.
So I set out on a quest to see all I can see, while I can still see it, and I'm trying to bring businesses to steem in the process.
So far I have a hospital in TJ and a nationwide men's hair salon. You can see my blog for details.
But I also this project called Havin which is my focus for the next week or two and it's basically pokemon go for steem but in 8 bit and with businesses accepting SBD as a condition of being part of the game.
I've been busy, just not with anything programming related. Havin is likely the last piece of actual code I will ever write personally. Even this post is being dictated to "Commander Steem", a plugin I wrote to help low vision users dictate posts because the font is hell a small on here. But I don't think I can make much more progress on even that simple plugin myself.
So I'm building a team and trying to assume more of an architectural role going forward. Nevertheless, a promise is a promise and I'm just shocked I dropped it like that.
I'll find a way to get it done.