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RE: The Puppy And The Preacher - How I Paid My Rent With Steem

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

Im in the UK too and I'd either recommend using the Circle app/website, using uphold or potentially giving Plutus a go when they get the ball rolling.

I remember the MtGox days where I'd have to get a wire transfer from Japan. Luckily it's alot easier now.

This is a useful site to list what the prices are across multiple sellers -

Really fun read btw!


Hi wingz,

Thanks for reading! Yes I use Circle as well, but Kraken are less restrictive and I can trade over $200 per day without producing signatures from 4 living Great Grandparents!.

Wow! The days of MtGox, I was vaguely aware of Bitcoin then, but it must have been quite strange and exciting getting into it then.

Thanks for the link, that's really useful.