

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 2.2
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):92%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player

Bamm! Obtained item 2: Clock! +2 to players hit!

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target. The enemy puts it out, but still takes a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 4. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 2 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 2
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

Est. tournament completed: 29%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 2.5
Your lifepoints banked: 3
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):93%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player

It looks like you're editing your commands instead of replying to @wizardzap responses -- so long as @lordnigel or I am able to clearly determine the sequence of events (as was the case here), that is fine. Just be aware that should the bot mess up and neither one of us can sort things out, you may have results get rolled back and/or invalidated.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.

Hey @doughtaker,

Let me know now if I should just stop doing this lol@lordnigel taught me this during the testing of Gobbo...


I think you're fine -- I went through your run of stage 2 and everything looked good.

Awesome, thanks!