
Well as you can see, we are strong standing on the 2nd stage, but parts of the 3rd and 4th stage are already being developed. How long will we stay here? I personally think around 6 months more, for sure.

I don't think we'll be strong on the 2nd stage for at least half a year or so. The whales (and especially @steemit) can only power down this fast, and without good distribution of SP the content curation is skewed. Good thing is that there is a lot of effort to meliorate those problems. Another good thing is it might coinside that parts of stage 3&4 will be complete when the people can take advantage of them. Myself, I finaly got paid for my services, outside my usual translation efforts. A lot of posts that I translate don't payout much, although they are good. But now I am working on something for the Russian segment and people there are all about #spreadthepower :-)

Well, the main reason why I said 6 months, is because the whales will take around that time to redistribute SP, If no redistribution happens, we could land in "big" problems.

Myself, I finaly got paid for my services, outside my usual translation efforts. A lot of posts that I translate don't payout much, although they are good. But now I am working on something for the Russian segment and people there are all about #spreadthepower :-)

Nice to see that! :))