Correction 1
John White, has discovered a flaw in the descriptions above.
This flaw is caused by the extensions
tx = {'ref_block_num': 36029,
'ref_block_prefix': 1164960351,
'expiration': '2016-08-08T12:24:17',
'operations': [['vote',
{'author': 'xeroc',
'permlink': 'piston',
'voter': 'xeroc',
'weight': 10000}]],
'extensions': [],
'signatures': [],
In the OP, we did not serialize this extensions such that our
serialized sequence was too short. Since we do not make use of
extensions here, and the serialization is a length-prefixed array,
we can fix the flaw by simply appending 0x00
to the serialization
buf += (varint(len([]))
Everything else should stay the same.