For new users:
I am on the Steem blockchain since 2017.05.17.
Getting real human comments under your blog posts is the hardest part on the Steem blockchain. Even for older users, for example me. Many people (including me) not (or rarely) receive real human comments.
Most of the Steem blockchain users are focusing on their own blog posts, they do not care about other people's blog posts.
There are 59 675 posts in the first week of 2020, but the average number of comments is only 3.38. There are 57 751 posts in the second week of 2020, but the average number of comments is only 2.84.
Weekly Steem Stats Report - Monday, January 20, 2020.You can find more information about these things in this statistics posted by @penguinpablo:
So, this is the truth. Prepare yourselves.
I guess it depends a lot on the crowd and the posts. I usually get comments from pretty much the same people, that I follow as well, but sometimes it happens that I get absolutely no comments on some posts. I get that. I don't read every post on my feed either. Over time though, if you dedicate some energy to your blog, you will notice that you kind of create your community based on affinity.
I already dedicated many hours of work to my blog. No matter what I post, what I what I do, what I try, what I write about, almost no one cares about my posts. And I mean commenting.
One example. Today (on 2020.01.24) I have put a little bit more than 1 hour of work into a game review: Music Racer (video game) (2018) review. This review consist of 869 words and four pictures, yet no one cares about my review. Currently there are 21 upvotes and a pending payout of $0.34, but currently there are no comments at all.
And yes, I am commenting (writing and answering comments) under other people's posts. Why cannot they do the same under most my blog posts?
The only exception is, if I write about thinking about leaving the Steem blockchain, then people suddenly come and start to try changing my mind about it.
So they obviously understand what I write. People mostly also answer my comments under other blog posts. But they very rarely write comments under my blog posts. Why?
I honestly like to know the why. Am I so bad at blogging? What am I doing wrong?
I really can't understand why this happens, but if you look at my blog I have plenty of posts with 0 comments from real people. In terms of upvotes, I only have big payouts when bots upvotes me, other than that I don't have any consistent auto votes or anything similar. I like blogging though and don't care that much anymore about such details. I guess there's no perfect strategy to make your blog a great one. My advice is to do what you like.
I do understand. Because people are selfish and greedy. Most of the Steem blockchain users are focusing on writing blog posts, but they do not care about other people's blog posts.
The statistics are backing up this statement. There were 8 124 posts created on 2020.01.23, but the average number of comments is only 3.74. If we take a look at blog posts, then we can see that most of these comments are bot (or spam-like) comments. Sad. And people wonder why the number of the daily active users is constantly decreasing since months.
I like blogging, but I do not like being ignored. Especially, if I put hours of work into a blog post. Maybe I will stop putting hours of works into my blog posts, and I will write my blog posts only for myself. Or completely stop blogging. It is simply not worth it to put hours of work into my blog posts, if no one else cares about them, except me. If even I do not care, then it is not worth it to put any kind of effort into my blog posts. I guess that I have to forget about real human comments under my Steem blockchain blog posts, so if I would like to get interaction, then I will write something on Facebook.