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RE: STEEM As Money? STEEM Has Something No Other Cryptocurrency Has....

in #steem7 years ago

This post is like all your posts. Very useful
Don't forget I'm a beginner .... I've had a lot of questions in my mind: why is there a better coin than another?
... I'm still looking for the answer.
But now I have some knowledge of security, and I know why Steemt is using several keys.
thank you ... @taskmaster4450


To start, do not separate out a coin (token) from the blockchain. That is crucial when looking at different coins.

What is the purpose of the blockchain?
What is the talent involved with that project?
What are the characteristics of said blockchain?

With STEEM, along with Bitshares, one big advantage is speed of the blockchain. The transmission times are some of the fastest out there. BTC and ETH are struggling with their volumes of late because they cannot handle but a few transmissions per second. So when discussing functionality, this is an important point to consider.

STEEM has the speed, security, and use in terms of being a disruption to the social media/content creation market. This is why it exists. To me, that is a big arena which can net tremendous results.

. now i have to find a lot information about :
What is the purpose of the blockchain?
What is the talent involved with that project?
What are the characteristics of said blockchain?
.... it is goodthank you ..@taskmaster4450 You're drawing me a way to search.

Asking these questions is how you tell a good token from a "shit coin".
If it doesn't really solve a problem or at least make significant steps towards doing so it is bunk.
ofc you can still make cash off of bunk coins if there is a market for it (crypto kitties) or if you can spot a coming pump and dump.

This is what I'm dealing with as a business owner in terms of using bitcoin for sales...

Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 1.47.10 PM.png

Bitcoin is no longer practical for everyday use. Still a great SOV, but you really need to move a few thousand dollars worth for it to be worth it.

The cheapest fee right now is about $5.00 but it might take weeks to confirm. Some are saying that it could be stuck in limbo forever (or until LN, Schnorr sigs or Liquid come online).

Thanks for posting that @zoidsoft.

I agree with you about BTC.

None of that is a problem if you are sending $50K to a supplier does make it difficult to buy a book online. SOV and larger transactions (in terms of dollars) is where I see BTC ending up.

Buy a house, boat, or car...btc is great. It isnt very good to pay for your gym membership.