google has the top 5 or 10 links 'featured' ... to them that means paid for ... they seem to be doing allright, i heard they got this thing called xrp they got something to do with and no one makes a sound but when Faceberg says i want one the whole E.U. is upside down :D ...
perception ... there's a need to make money or they can't hold out on selling forever .. a rich kid like that dan-dude can run 20 nodes from the spare change at the end of the day but a company like steemit has wages, fees, taxes, licenses and what not and they didnt even get to the point where they're big enough to be noticed by the ravenous mastodon the E.U. is ... china doesnt seem to have blocked them yet ... everybody wants a piece when there's enough zero's but my current worry is more like : who's gonna develop if emperor Steemit goes belly up ?
how many nodes out of how many are needed to take it all over ? what's the guarantee the most recent hero dan-something doesnt wake up one day on a bad hairday and decides to put that million on auto-negative and move on to other shores ... steemcleaners would have a field-day countering it and have nothing left to fight the holy war on content ... the price is under 13 cents at 1/3 of a billion rolling, what if there's 4 times that just like DOGE, will it be 1/50th ... why doesn't anyone ever consider the dangers downvoting represents, no one considers removing it for one second ... no one considers capping the supply or the fact that
you can NOT downvote someone's bitcoin
and they seem to be doing well
hate to be mister half-empty with the glass and all that but i feel a serious lack of realism and i would still like to see this thing succeed ...
who's gonna pick up development if steemit can't hold it (it IS a potential and growing realistic scenario, its not like you control the global market, the last dip showed that very clear and i have serious doubts about the powerups not coming from 'stale' liquid steem as the price doesnt budge up one iota so it doesnt feel like anybody's buying)
i really like the fact that there was a failsafe that prevented the billions-disaster on the last crash, it shows aptitude and the potential to foresight so where are the failsafes for all that
if anything it's okay if i'm the party-pooper but id say when someone calls a bomb-alert you need to be ready to evacuate and i hope some of the upper echelon here are not trying to hype for a pump-n-dump exit scam
i know, but im used to it
it doesn't pay to be the realist ...
(i TRY not to react but im having one of those days ...) bursting bubbles ? no, just one of those days .. featured & featured ... no compassion in the marketplace ... it needs money to surive and the only way to battle hyperinflation with burning and downvotes will be to increase the burning and downvotes ... ???!???
nevermind ...