Through my utopian focused glasses I agree with all you say. The world systems are broken and STEEM is a viable solution to most, if not all these issues. Yet after the euphoria wears off just a little there remains three haunting demons.
The first demon is that the Internet (in all its fragile glory, technical or political) remains a single point of failure for all things blockchain. Fact is that if my government blocks access to the blockchain it's useless to me even if it's decentralized and all the nodes are working. That and hundreds of other scenarios play out in my blockchain nightmares.
The second demon that is a thorn in my being is that the governments fully invested in their respective fiat currencies are not just going to say "Yea, that's a great idea so we'll just give up!" The powers are very real and very powerful. If the major governments of the world want the marginalize cryptocurrencies they can and I predict will. But they won't do it by force. They will simply assimilate them Borg style. (I'm sure you follow the discussion concerning exchanges and gateways for STEEEM. We're scared of them already!)
The third gut-wrenching splash in the face is that for any currency to function there must be an economy that drives the flow of the currency. That means that humans, the greedy, self-serving souls they are, will do ALL things possible to consolidate the STEEM wealth under their control. Can anyone honestly tell me they don't see this already happening right here on the various STEEM blockchain platforms? Yes, there are certain magnanimous souls on the platforms and I truly laud them for their actions. It's just that I'm not sure they are the majority. There are significant stakeholders who are clearly here as an investment. In fact we NEED them and they deserve to profit from their investments. But they are rich and will become even more rich. So how is this STEEM economy going to be any different from our current economies? For the social order of the world to change we humans must change, not our currency. Changing the currencies of the world won't change the people of the world.
I want to believe, truly I do. Help my unbelief! Cast out my demons! Remove my zits!