- current rank: 36
- current price:
- 1.0718860201 USD
- 0.0001642 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 2875776.46457 USD
- 24 hour percent change: 3.13
- market cap: 290076384.0 USD
- current rank: 267
- current price:
- 1.0746944274 USD
- 0.00016425 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 634999.50534 USD
- 24 hour percent change: 1.91
- market cap: 16871279.0 USD
price goes down, i can load up
price goes up, higher rewards...
as long as steem stays alive gains will be there
I'm very sad seeing this price, steem should be more than this. I hope it goes up.
I wanna Cry 😭