+1 ! I agree with you !
I think the best to do is to choose 20 differents crypto currencies to invest in ( for example 500$, it depends of you ) But split fairly between all of them.
25$ per crypto currency if you invest 500$.
With some you will buy like 20 tokens, others 100, others 5.
But you really have to be fairly in your invest.
Then =>>>>> Be patient :)
I partially agree, cause we don't have to divide fairly the 500$ on cryptocurrencies, we have to give the priority to those who have a good reputation and tend to have a bright future and then give the others a part of the share ! But still the idea of investing in many cryptocurrencies is brilliant !!
I want to divide fairly just to be sure that the one that could progress would not be the one i what i put less :) then, for sure, if you study a lot your invest and are more sure about which currency has more luck to grow/progress, you should do as you said :)
Yeah sure! good luck :)
I dont agree, for me 5 differents cryptocurrencies are enough.
To study there evolution and minimize risk .$$
I more think that I minimize risk by invest into 20 than 5 :S ! With 20 you have much more luck than one would progress a lot !
You need to be rich to invest in 20 cryptocurrency^^
I would to do it with an amount of 1000€, it not like 100 000€ ahah