Wow a great post from one of the folks I have looked up to for a long while. Wisdom is so much more worth the journey to obtain it when you share it.
There are many applications and contests and wallets and such everyone will master when they need to. As long as they take your advice and just keep posting while networking, it will come.
One of the coolest things to focus upon (which you mentioned) is not to compete for the whales attention,but to find a core group or people you can support and be happy with the .02 and .04$ 100% upvotes.
Progressing is great but progressing with other folks who will become friends is what I have found to be more permanent and gratifying.
Content + networking + time (consistency) seems to equal success in the long term.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yes... When I started to grow, is when my whole peer group started to grow. The earliest group is mostly gone now. There are a few left. a couple are now orcas and the rest either powered down or are dolphins. Put in the time, keep learning and you will grow!