It's great that they are searching for answers, but as a newbie to this market and STEEM, it seems the way liquidity rewards work are inherently flawed.
I mean, I'm sure there could be a sensible solution to the current problem, but my question is "what about everyone that has already exploited its capabilities?" I hope the developers have a clear answer to that question, otherwise, the gains already made by exploiters will make it too difficult for anyone to catch up to. Basically, what I mean is that STEEM would need to punish the users that took advantage to bring the market to equilibrium. Otherwise, the whales will maintain control regardless, perhaps even increase the whales' powers if they lower liquidity rewards across the board. Also, if they fiddle enough with platform that makes whales lose trust and cashout, then the price of STEEM will likely crash hard with the whale exit, or call it whexit.
After having analyzed this platform carefully this past week or so, I think STEEM is a great social and cryptocurrency experiment. Ultimately though, it seems the this platform structure will be copied by someone without sharing the exploits and problems STEEM is facing right now. In fact, a competing platform with more thought and features could be STEEM's crux. I've cashed out for this and other reasons. I expect STEEM to continue to make some headway, but I also expect STEEM to crash and burn in the next couple of years or so. I just see too many issues to have trust in STEEM.