Sorry to disagree with your opinion.
No worries. I knew you would. Everyone is free to have their own opinions and mine are no better than those of anyone else. My claim of divine inspiration is no more provable than Mary's claim that her child was not an illegitimate child of her soon-to-be husband. In a few hundred or thousand years from now, someone may find my words and try to use them to prove I was correct because it was written way back when. However, it would be impossible to find any concrete evidence other than my written words. There could be circumstantial evidence that could possibly be relevant and people may use that to prove their "conspiracy theory", however it would forever remain debatable. It's even possible that someone might write a book around my own ideas and then others write their own books debating the topic. After several thousand years have passed, someone could compile all these books into one book and call that their bible. Would that make it indisputably the truth? Hardly! And yet, what I believe to be true may well be the truth. Only time will tell. At least my mind is open to all possibilities, so I'm free to be objective.
Perhaps when / if we meet on the other side, we can discuss if I was right, you were right, or we were both wrong. In the meantime, stay safe and live well. God loves all of us, for we are one.
I understand.
Facts based on science have also been revised, refuted and reversed. New information can and has changed what was assumed to be factual. We can only work with what we currently know (or think we know). We are limited in so many ways. We have the choice to trust in what we believe or keep digging to uncover what could be hiding from us. You are obviously content to stay with what you have learned. I will never be satisfied and will always keep digging. We are different and yet the same. If everyone thought exactly the same as everyone else, I think innovation and creativity would grind to a halt. It is through differences that discussions provide new ideas and avenues of thought.
When I think about what I just wrote, I can clearly see that everything has an opposite: Day and night, hot and cold, right and wrong. We need opposing beliefs as much as we need opposites in anything else... it maintains balance. I'm sure the Creator made it that way for a reason.
Speaking of changes to old beliefs: It seems the Dead Sea Scrolls have recently uncovered some ancient writings that were previously invisible to us. New information that changes the popular belief of what the Bible says. I guess it is time to up-date the Bible so that it more accurately reflects the original meaning.