Player 11 (2nd)
I now have enough aluminum tubing to make 20 ingots. I'm willing to make aluminum armor with it and sell it at bargain basement prices to make room in my inventory. Please let me know what you want made and the price you are willing to offer.
Buy 60 boards from P2 for 10 coins.
Make 400 nails from 8 iron ore.
Use the nails, boards and 8 stones to make a worker house and hire another worker.
Action 1: Mine. Rolled 4 and found stone.
Action 2: Mine. Rolled 3 and found iron ore.
Action 3: Mine. Rolled 2 and found iron ore.
My worker 1 catches 3 fish using my baited fishing pole.
My worker 2 catches 3 fish using my baited fishing pole.
My worker 3 catches 3 fish using my baited fishing pole.
My worker 5 mines. Rolls 4,2,4, meaning the worker found 1 iron ore and 2 stone.
My worker 4 mines with the pick-axe. rolls 3,4,5, meaning the worker found 1.5 iron ore and 3 stone.