Day 1 - Steem Advent Calendar 2019, Win prize everyday! 🎄🎁

in #steemadvent5 years ago (edited)

Steem Christmas Advent Calendar, Win rewards everyday until Christmas!

It is Day 1 everyone!


Challenge #1

Describe your Christmas OR New Years dream!

Leave your answers in the comments section below and 3 best comments will get 100% of this post reward (50%, 30%, 20% respectively) and extra 500, 300, 200 ESTM.

Advent calendar will be published everyday, previous day challenge will be closed when next day's challenge post is published, STEEM rewards will be powered up to winners

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Thank you for participating!

Happy Holidays!

PS. Don't forget to upvote comments below, do good deed and share with others during these wonderful season of holidays…

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Vote for @good-karma as a witness

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my dream is to steemit became platform of peace not war

My New Year's dream is to get my Parathyroidectomy done this coming year so that I could get freed from Pain, misery, side-effects of my medicines, and big expenses. @esteemapp

Would love to have the whole Family together - in good health and spirits too. Just to see everyone enjoying themselves - no drama or stress.

As for New Year - I'd like to meet some new people, probably a good idea to travel somewhere new for it :)


My New Year dream is to make 2020 another great one for my son!

For Christmas, I'd just like to spend time with my grandparents and family. Enjoy all the food and gift giving. I'm going to be sending out some presents to some online friends I've never met as well. I love giving people I appreciate gifts. It's a great way to put a smile on their face and let them know you care.

My new years dream is to improve myself physically and mentally. I'm also looking forward to meeting a girl I've spent the last few months talking to every day. She will be flying out here at the end of January if everything goes according to plan. Would be nice if everything goes well and works out with that situation too. :D

My New Year's dream is to work for the poor in need to help them make life beautiful for them. @esteemapp

My New Year's dream would be for the long cold crypto winter to finally break and for the spring and summer of crypto to finally be here. To see this platform, Steem, finally take off and start having Mass adoption. I want to see the many users of steem who are in parts of the world that are not as well off as other parts to finally have decent income and to grow off this investment of time.
This would be perhaps the best New Year's miracle. :)

Christmas dream is to be able to afford Christmas meal for my family, and new years dream is to get a job.

You can do it, @fredkese. Start working on both now, and you will succeed. Praying for you.

Thank you. Hoping for the best

My wish is almost a cliché, but with all my heart I wish for peace on earth. A huge wish, and seemingly impossible. Maybe if we all wish hard.....

Amen, Melinda! 🙏💫🕊

I wish all the tyrannical regimes all over the world to end so everybody can return home and live in peace with their families, friends, and communities! Peace, love, and freedom!😍

I love to see Steem be back again not only about its $ value but the mass adoption that everyone wants. That being said, my Christmas dream (or New Year's dream) is to see SMTs and Communities now being dispatched for public use. I believe those are the one's that will create hype and attract masses.

This is the time of the year when most people become better and care more, the time when they help the ones in need. I wish it will be all year round, not only for Christmas

My dream is that all abuse against women and children should be eradicated. Disappear, poof! No more hurt for those that cannot defend themselves!
Blessings to your efforts @esteemapp

My Christmas dream is to receive 10 ESTM from @esantafe

My Christmas or New Year´s dream is to get to spend the holidays with my family in the Philippines. I have been living in Europe for the last 36 years and it was seldom that I spent Christmas with them in my native land. I was there visiting them last July , but Christmas is always special when the family is complete. It had been a tradition that on New Year´s Eve, my 5 bothers and I would gather around the table, eat and drink , sharing our own stories while waiting for the big bang! But now, three brothers passed-away from cancer (including mom na dad) and only two brothers are still there. Somehow, the family isn´t complete anymore, but thru the digital world, we are still connected.

Hi, I have a question to ask, I have esteem on my iphone, but i cannot make comments, says i'm missing posting authority. How do i do that? Thank you.

Please logout and login again with either posting private key or active private key, you can login with master password as well. All your keys are stored on your device so they are safe. Missing posting authority means you logged in with wrong key. Relogin should help.

It would be difficult for me to explain with words my wish for Christmas, but it is also a national feeling in my country, to return to be as before, to have my whole family eating the typical Christmas dishes and that my cousins receive their gifts by Santa Claus, as a Normal Christmas, but now it's not like that anymore. Now most of my family is not at the Christmas table, now they are working to get their family members to eat and dress, now children do not receive gifts or fireworks. However, my hopes are with me, I want to give my parents a Christmas gift for giving me all the support this year, I want my brothers and cousins to eat sweets, I have been working hard so that my relatives have what they deserve, I sent to prepare cakes for Christmas dinner and make it something more different, something sweet and with music, I want to forget the bad and remember the good, I hope my wish is fulfilled :)

My new year's dream is that the price of steem go up like at its highest peak 2 years ago.

Same with you @elianaelisma that is one of my dream, too and am manifesting my YouTube Channel be monitize on the early month of 2020.

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Ahhh, Christmas! It's my 15th Christmas away from home. I left the Philippines when I was not yet married and now with 3 kids, I'd love for them to experience Christmas in the Philippines. For now that's just a dream... I pray that will be different in the coming years. ❤️️

My holiday dream is to get to see my son. He's six years old and last March his father took him to California for a small vacation to visit his family. Unfortunately, they decided to stay living there with his mother and step-father, my son's grandparents, and I haven't gotten to see him in person since then. I get to video chat and text with him, but it's not even close to being enough to fill the hole in my heart and soul. My goal is to have enough money saved up and allowed to take time off work to go down and visit him for his 7th birthday in March 2020. Wish me luck! Happy holidays!

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Hope you get to meet him soon!

Hope that you get to see your son as soon as you are able to. I have a boy about the same age as yours, so I can only chat would certainly not suffice. If you don't mind my asking, did this relocation on behalf of your ex just happen all of a sudden without your foreknowledge? If so, that's super sketchy and I hope that didn't happen to both you or your son...certainly not good for anyone especially as I'm guessing he's in either first or second grade, I know my son would not want to be told that he's going to move and leave his friends at school and his teacher behind. Anyway, voting for you.

With all my heart I hope you realize your dream.

What I want to tell everyone is that in the holidays you forget your adult nature and start enjoying life as a child. In childhood, you didn't think about problems or any complications.Just with one click at all the holidays, you become an ordinary baby. I hope your sweet dreams come true.

😅 I wish that St. Nicholas put me 🎁+100 SP for Christmas🎄 so that I continue to develop the Ukrainian community in Stimit😊😊🎄🎄

Що ж хочу сказати всім, щоб у святкові дні ви забули свою дорослу сутність і почали радіти життю як діти, саме в дитячі роки ви не думали про проблеми чи будь-які негаразди. Просто за одиним клацком пальця на всі свята ви стали звичайнісенькими дітьми. Маю надію, що всі ваші мрії здійсняться😊

😅 Бажаю щоб мені Святий Миколай на Різдво поклав 🎁100 СП, щоб я і надалі розвивав Українську спільноту у Стіміт😊😊🎄🎄

My christmas dream on steemit is Before the end of 2019. My target is to get over 50 people onboard on steemit. Plan is already working out cus I wanna onboard a whole church after my speech on the 20th.

My personal Christmas dream is to spend quality time with my parents and childhood friends.✌😍

My new year dream is to take my grandparents to a trip to the countryside. They have been raising me since my parents passed away and they have done everything in there power to support me throughout my life. I will soon graduate from high school and I really hope that I can do my best to make their life better. Both of them have been too busy raising me and there were no time nor money for us to go on any trips, so I have been working on a small part time job in a local retail shop to save up some money, which I intend to use to surprise them with a country side trip.

As a kid, every holiday season encompassing Christmas and the New year, I dream and wish for so many things. Right now, I would say my only dream is to make my family happy and know in this month of love and sharing that they are always in my heart and I love them so much. My dream is to show them how much I love each and everyone of them and I really hope I will he able to conjure up finances to put up a surprise for them. My family is considering raising funds to get a few stuffs for the orphanage and I really want to support this too. So I will say it is my dream to actively participate in doing this.

What I been wishing for is a piece of good news for the steemit community, the value of steem and we have a good update for the esteemapp/esteem notification so I will not be crossing to another dapp in checking my steemit post.
Wishing everyone a happy and blessed start of December till the end.

Thank you @good-karma and have a nice day ahead everyone!
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I have always visualized 2020 as my professional kick start year. I'm a content creator (graphics), I have been making plans since January 2018 of how to acquire more gadgets for work. Having saved up and bought most, remaining just 3 distinctive items, I can say that 2020 is gonna be me living up my dreams to the fullest.

One thing that I have learned, as a web developer and designer for well over a decade now professionally (even longer than that overall, I started with self-taught HTML at age 10 in 1996) is that the more you put things off to try and plan for them, the further you find yourself waiting and then one day you'll notice that a ton of time has gone by. At least that's how it's worked for me at stretches in the past, until I was able to put that bad habit behind me. Procrastination is a real killer, especially when we can convince ourselves that we are just being meticulous or thorough in our planning/preparation. The best work I've ever created, the projects that have gotten the most positive feedback and led to tons of opportunities for myself, have all been ones that I just went with and worked hard to hit the ground running, not focusing entirely on every tiny aspect of them. Then once they would have a base of content or a sense of purpose making them operational, I would continue to work away at the project because in reality, nothing in our world is ever truly completed and it's easy to become obsessed with nit-picky little stuff, especially as a perfectionist. One example I give is a friend who was all intent on starting his own livestreaming show/channel on YouTube. He talked about it for months and months, did a ton of research into the various equipment necessary, learned how to do the software, went out and purchased all kind of stuff like cameras, lighting, green screen, an encoder and switcher, an upgraded computer, etc. By the time he was "ready to start" he was still internally deliberating over whether or not his microphone was "good enough", when in the 3 years he spent in preparation, a channel who had started at the same time using nothing but the bare-bones setup and equipment they already had, is now an established channel with over 40k subscribers who streams regularly to over 2500 people at a time, and they have upgraded their stuff with a whole studio of their own. He's still waiting to start. Just some friendly advice, don't let yourself be held back by arbitrary constraints. The phones we all carry around every day are more than powerful enough, if used correctly, to create some incredible content far more sophisticated than the best computer on the market could do even a few short years back. Do what I did to get out my rut, start making, keep making. Force yourself to do it every day, and stick to it. Before you know it, you'll be in the groove of things.

Well, when it comes to NEW YEAR's day, I remember my past activities, sprite, and dreams and think out how can I approach them one step with doubt or as a brave one with confidence. I write my dreams and pray god to come true and put it in my holy book and start to the imagination and build it in my mind how the event might happen. Quieting my negative thoughts and being strong enough to overcome my life hardships is one of the most prominent wishes that I always make.

Hello December!
I want to achieve Steem Power 2000 at the end of year 2019.

Happy Christmas for all.....

My dream is to be near happy people and see a lot of smiling people.

I Wish and I hope for New Year of 2020 give me a gift to free from all debts. 2020 Free from all debts from banks. I hope Steem Blockchains as a my way to reach that. I wish 2020 be the best opportunity and fortune.

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My dream Christmas is sitting in front of a cozy fireplace, in my cozy family cottage, surrounded by my family, as I watch there faces while they open gifts hand made by me.

From last two years my every new year goes like it’s an normal day I fall asleep at 11:00 pm and miss the opportunity to celebrate it with my friends but this time we are planning night out on this new year, as it’s an year of opportunity for all of us because our studies gonna complete this new and we are planning an start-up so we want to make this remember forever.

My dream for new year to become a better writer. I learned that writing on Steemit isn't enough (though it helps and it's a good practice,) and my blog writing level is still too low.

If I could earn my living through writing articles alone I'll be very satisfied.

It's a difficult question, and it's hard to choose what I want, but I'm trying to choose what I need most. I hope I get new socks so I don't have to wear double socks more the year has been a great passing exam but the less we have things the more we start to see the simple things we need before.


My wish is for my descendants to have a better life than me.

A quiet day with my family, all healthy and happy, with delicious food, mulled wine and a walk amongst nature in the afternoon 🎄

New Year Dream: 2019 is memorable to me for my wedding ceremony. Hope 2020 will memorable by having a baby. This is the ultimate dream.

mine is same as Melinda's: I wish for peace on earth. in all human hearts. and also a fair laws, and trials equal for all.

It could be such an amazing world.

Wanted to to all were healthy!

Peace for all.

I'm thankful in living in the middle of nowhere with just my partner and cat to worry for, I dream in getting a crate or two of drink and go into the nearest city in search of homeless, lonely people to share a bit of warmth with. Let them know that Christmas can be special.

@esteemapp, I am a Full Time Steemian and at this moment i don't have any plans other than Exploring Steem Blockchain and opportunities which are generating here.

As a Full Time Steemian It's difficult to go through from the life expanses when we are facing Bear Market. But this space awakened me and i am enjoying my Full Time Journey.

Steem is my Second Home 🏡 and i will continue this journey effectively. But simultaneously i am planning to come up with effective research of Cryptocurrency Space and want to find projects which have use cases and want to invest my time into it that simultaneously.

Now let's keep Steem and Cryptocurrency Talk aside. Multitasking Journey really consumed me from couple of years so this time i want to start my new Fitness Journey.

@esteemapp, I really want to appreciate these kind of Initiatives. Hope that this initiative will encourage Steemains to feel the essence of Contentment in their journey.. Stay blessed brother.

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My dream is to be with my family. The presents are not that important as we all have more than enough. We should spare a though for those who do not.

A more cooperative world. s1wa7l233y.jpg

Hello @esteemapp, greetings to the other participants. My dream for this Christmas is that I can share it with my whole family and that all people can be with theirs. May people who are homeless God bless them and can find someone to share these dates with. I would also like each of the steemians to meet the goals set for this year ... Greetings to all.
My dream for the New Year is that I can enjoy this date with my family and that we are all in very good health especially my mother who is going through a difficult health situation. This is what I most want your health to strengthen as well as the health of all people who are going through problems in their health.

Hola @esteemapp, un saludo a los demás participantes. Mi sueño para esta Navidad es que la pueda compartir con toda mi familia y que todas las personas puedan estar con las suyas. Que las personas que están sin hogar Dios las bendiga y puedan encontrar alguien con quien compartir estas fechas. También me gustaría que cada uno de los steemians puedan cumplir las metas propuestas para este año... Saludos a todos.
Mi sueño para el Año nuevo es que lo pueda disfrutar esta fecha con mi familia y que todos estemos muy bien de salud en especial mi madre que esta pasando por una situación difícil de salud. Esto es lo que más deseo que su salud se fortalezca al igual que la salud de todas las personas que estén pasando por problemas en su salud.

This new year , I really wanna establish my business globally. I am an Artist from India and love to create beautiful pieces of art with softwares like Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. I have started selling my services on Fiverr marketplace already but I need more exposure and reach to the public globally. And as steemit grows, I know more people will see my artistic skills here and we will start trading in steem cryptocurrency very soon.

My wish is that life continues to bless me as it has so often done. Sometimes I consider myself the luckiest guy on the planet. I have had my heartbreaks, but the big picture continues to bless my soul with a healthy and loving family that continues to grow. Six grandchildren with number seven due on December 30th, 2019. With out family, I'd be lost in the daily confusion of life.

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