My New Year's resolution for 2019 is to continue to make a point of "reporting" when a stranger does an especially note worthy job, goes out of his or her way to be extra helpful, or I see a random act of kindness being done. I make a point of finding out the individual's name and then ask to speak to his or her supervisor to "report" the positive actions of the do-gooder. Another way you can spread positivity is by completing the survey at the bottom of a shopping trip receipt and commend an employee for doing an excellent job. Who knows. The person could win a contest, get a bonus, a raise, great marks on his/her performance review: anything is possible!
Remember it costs nothing to be nice to others!
💫Spread love and positive energies in 2019!💫It's an amazing feeling to think about what a difference you could make for someone who was having a bad day. Compliments are always welcome. #RAOK