2017 has been challenging to say the least. I've been spat on, called many racist names, had brooms swung at my face, had bins and plates thrown at me, had a youth try to stab me with a sharpened toothbrush, been threatened with death.... all in a days work as a detention centre youth worker!
Around 6 incidents a day happen at this place and I no longer feel at all safe because management has done almost nothing to stop this from happening as well as the government not giving us more power to protect ourselves and punish violent behaviour. So many super cool staff at this place who really don't deserve to have to deal with this shit.
Here's just a couple of the incidents that have happened. The vast majority don't make the news.
~ Inmates planned to take staff hostage
~ Staff member blinded in one eye from glass in riot - 2016
Please note this is not me but an amazing staff member who was a huge asset to the team and although he may never know I really looked up to him for his skills and professionalism. Unfortunately he got injured by a shard of glass in a riot which really fuckin sucks because he's such a good dude and gave a lot to the youths inside the centre and was a strong role model for many youth workers.
On a more positive note I just had a new job interview! Hopefully 2018 will bring less of verbal and physical punching bag and more of happiness and dedication to people who deserve it :D
Wow! What job was your interview for?
It was for youth working again but outside the detention centre. Basically it's a home environment and not a prison environment so you still deal with challenging young men but at least it's 1 on 1 and not dealing with a dozen of them.
Kuddos for you for being in this line of work, as hard as it sounds, it must be so rewarding, hope you get the job ;)
Thanks heaps :) It is rewarding some of the time but onto greener pastures!