Surprise SURP-RISE !!! - )))
.. with all those FeatherS .. YOU CAN FLY !!! - )))
SO .. the jOURney forward ?? guaranteed ? !! ? - ))
.. was it .. ?? .. ever 'in' doubt ?? .. or simply delayed - ))
ha ha - )))
WhaT dreams .. must NOW CO'ME ??!!!?? - ))
.. as your CONFIDENT FUN'Dr .. blazes your TRAIL !!???!! - ))
The "FUN" has NOW .. BE(g)UN -)))
.. even with, expensive shipping - ))
ha ha - )))
.. BeautifuL GIFTS !!!! - ))))
IT's as if .. you've been reading itchy's mind - ))
" .. It's the WAY you are indebted to them, and (they to you) that makes life. Don't settle your debts, be indebted beautifully, and you will always have a place in the world." ...
.. i like synchro-mysticism - )))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )