I'm working on this custom Mandala painting for a patron in New Jersey. She asked me to include butterflies, and figure 8's and a spiral in the middle. First I created the pattern outline - next I had to color it in!
Coloring the pattern in is the longest part of creating one of my Mandala paintings. A 10 x 10 inch one like this takes me 4-7 hours or so to fill in. Part of that time is deciding what color to use next, and rinsing my brush between each color etc... When I choose colors I usually just go with the first one that I think of, but, sometimes I can get caught up in deciding lol
Starting to add come colors. I go with the flow, for this one my patron wasn't too picky about colors.
Adding more color
And more!
Seeing a pattern here? More color!
Annnnd it's all colored in!
What do you think? Please tell me in the comments
Next I'll be going over the outline of the pattern with other colors to tighten it all up, and add another layer of contrast. It makes a big difference!
I hope you enjoy following along. Stay tuned! :) -Adam
Visit https://www.NexusVisions.com/art
Beautifull art 😍 @adammillwardart
I really like how the white livens the whole thing up. Very beautiful
Thank you!
I like it, it is nice. What materials did you use? Oil on canvas?
Thank you! I almost always work in acrylic paint on canvas :)
It's amazing! Which material did u use to create this and i think u can work more on the finishing part I guess! :)
I used acrylic paint on canvas. I will show more progress in a few days, there's still more to do before it;s finished.
Okay cool:) will wait for it!
Awesome to see the process in this much detail. You make it look so easy and I know for a fact it is anything but. Gorgeous results every time :-)