Wow you made a small pendant out of it!!! :O
That's awesome, katalina! Do you wear the pendant and where do you put it on? You should definitely show how you made the pendant, I think it's an interesting journey to share ^_^.
And of course the girl is pretty, but I feel that goes without saying about your art fufufu, they are all beautiful! Though I like the redhaired version better, because red > purple. Mwahahaha! (This is just personal preference ^^)
The red version is better? Hm, I think you're right. Thanks for that too! ^.^Thank you, @scrawy! Thank you for showing such interest in the making of the pendant and another thank you for appreciating my illustration. ^.^ You've inspired me to make second post, but also to continue sharing similar stuff. I really love making some crafts and DIYs. ^.^