Those both look like really interesting plants. I like growing unusual plants. There are some foods you'll never get to try unless you grow your own.
I think I will get some yacon. It seems similar to sunchokes but with a sweeter flavor. If it's as easy to grow as sunchokes, it will be a great addition.
It is easy to grow. I’m gonna need to look up what sunchockes are, but since Yacon is also related to the Jerusalem artichoke, I assume you could be right 😉
Found it. Sunchockes are Jerusalem artichokes - lol.
I must admit I haven’t tasted those yet. i planted them for the first time this year. All I can say is that the yacon root is really delicious, tasting like apple
That reminds me, I may have some yacon roots left, stored in the basement... yummie! Gonna check that in the morning... 😋
Yeah, sunchoke is just another name for jerusalem artichokes. I really like them. They are low maintenance, prolific and delicious. They are sort of like a potato with a hint of sunflower seed.