Win 1 share of SBI! You don’t wanna miss this.

in #steembasicincome7 years ago (edited)

If you want to learn more about the project read about it here.

I’m exited about it. It’s a lot of work by their team. I like supporting cool projects like this.

Now for the contest part!!

Guess my current weight in pounds. I will weigh myself in 7 days and will give away the share of steembasicincome. I will round to the nearest whole number.

If there are ties I will give up to 3 shares. If more than 3 people guess correct then it will be randomly selected between all those whole guessed correct.

You must upvote this post and then guess my weight!

Good luck.

Clues - it’s less than 300 lbs and more than 100lbs. I have size 13 shoes.

There are 2 pages

185lbs is my guess.

237 pounds

@wizardave you are the winner. I have sent 1 steem to @steembasicincome with you as the sponsor. Congrats.

My ending weight tonight was 236.7.

I hope to learn from the wizard more in the future and now follow your blog. I also agree that is the small everyday deeds that make the world go round and make the darkness go away.

Ho Ho Ho That's awesome @dkid14!

  • Thank you very much. SBI is an awesome program!
    • I've used that saying back on that old school social network (Facebook cough cough) since I ran across it several years ago. It is so true!


206 lbs!


218 lbs of pure muscle

120 libras

203 lbs

197 lbs

194 lbs


205 lbs




217 lbs

i think your weight is about 194 lbs at a perfect bmi

225 lbs



211 lbs

Dang, that's a pretty big shoe. My guess is 224.


My guess is 192 pounds.


220 lbs
(I guessed a different number, then saw that someone else guessed the same thing, so I increased it by 6 pounds. Eat a little more this week, ok?

Ha ha. I can probably make that happen.

yessss! (pumps arm in air)

184 lbs ;-)





maybe 234lbs

200 pounds

My guess is 164 lbs 😀

232 lbs.


253 pounds of pure power

222 lbs is where you want to be.

I'm think 227 is the right number.

260 lbs wild guess😊

229lbs is my guess

There are 2 pages