If you want upvotes for life now is the time to follow @dosdudes. We are giving away lots of shares of @steembasicincome.
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All you have to do is commment with the answer to the below question.
Question : Do you know how to code in any programming languages? If yes, what language?
We will pick a random comment after this post pays out and award them 5 shares of @steembasicincome.
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Yes. Java
lamp stack (php)
learning nodejs
playing with babylon (3d)
Never heard of Babylon.
i've been taking a break from node for a bit and playing with 3d/ar/vr frameworks / game engines
babylonjs is best 3d so far -
switch from functional php/web page to async nodejs / game loop is a brain f*** LOL
I know a little of Visual Basic and MATLAB.
I took a Visual Basic class in college. Created yatze game. The good old days.
Same here, took courses in university, to use them in engineering. :)
I can do basics of html and java
I use html most days at work.
yes, primarily in JAVA. learning python and node js currently.
I want to learn java.
Yes i know c++ language coding
Posted using Partiko Android
I don’t know many people that still code in c++
Yes, I know Python and some of Javascript
I messed around with JavaScript a little.
Js java flex and 10 other languages/framework
You code for a living then?
I am a dinosaur. I can program in Cobol, Fortran, Assembler and PL1. Old, old...
COBOL. My dad used to code in that. That’s awesome.
Yeahh for sure. Most of the time I code in python. But I also used C, java, php and a bunch more😂
Not really @dosdudes. I did do a bit of php at one time so I could mess about with my wordpress site. 😊
Haven't done any real coding in some time, but php, java, css.
Simple idea!!
Yes, C++
Yes, I know some languages. I have programmed in C, C++, Java, Cobol, ARexx, C# and a few others.
Nowadays I program in PHP and JavaScript, mostly.
Learned a little bit of C and MQL5. Quite funny back then.
I have no clue!
Pascal (yes I'm old)
Visual Basic
and learning Python
I used to work on .Net and then Java. But I'm into testing now and not much into development.
in college I learned C ++ and java
No not really...
Maybe a bit HTML
Basically I use java , python and matlab.haha
Posted using Partiko iOS
I tried coding with java during college before but I sucked at it. Never tried coding again after.
i got no idea about programming but i like the idea to win 5 SBI shares!!!...so lets do it!!
Not really even though I know the c++ basic (or at least learned them 5 years ago).
But really wanna get me started in programming. Planning to take a programming course next term at university.
pity not coding anything!
I can write HTML and CSS, and a bit of JavaScript.
Not a clue :(
I know the basic of
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm not an expert. But i can write some html, css and a little bit of java ifi reallyput my mind to it. Aal self taught to fix small fronted issues.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nope :D
I have a document with basics for HTML and Markdown but that's the extent of my knowledge. Unless you count piglatin as a code language :p
I know no programming languages. Maybe markdown. :-)
Have forgotten
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry, I don't know anything about coding.
C# and learning Python
Maybe a bit of HTMLand some of Javascript
Hah well languages are not really that important or? The ability to think like a coder is more important to learn..and then, jumping from language to language isn't that difficult...but yeah, I mostly do C# and Javascript these days. Occasionaly python and C++.