
You seem to have a good day today! :) I'm definitely not the best but it still feels good when you say it! :)

hey who says you're not the best? I think I can make a very good argument to that effect and heaven help anyone who says you aren't! gggrrrrrr! lol.

That's so good to know! I'll start sending these people to discuss the matter with you! Lol

oh shoot! I forgot that this was a day that I was free to tease you. Now look what I've done...I blew it. I can't say that about you and then make fun of you at the same time ...ok well if anyone is dumb enough to need to discuss the matter just send them over! lol.

Awe Man, you just crushed half of steemit.... everybody else is going to be pouting now.

haha! I don't think so but I could modify and say she's the best from Switzerland!

lol, I'm just messing with you. I decided to try out steemchat today and met another Texan on there, told him to look you up. Sounds like he was down in Houston, lol, he was pushing a post to raise money to put up some pro-trump billboards on I10, so I'm assuming Houston....

oh how interesting, it wasn't pozone or something like that was it? there's a guy like that in Houston area.
Well how did you like steemchat?

No, I think his name was mike.
Not much impressed, It's sort of like a downgraded discord program.

howdy back sir coinsandchains..yes sir..I've heard that the steemchat feature was kinda clunky and obsolete but had no idea since I've never been on it.

Had to log into the email I set this account up with to verify some things and saw a verify email from steemchat from a couple months ago where I tried to log in and never did... While I was eating lunch I decided to check it out, I will probably not try it again. Discord and Steemit keep me busy enough on the steemit stuff.
Did you hear about the Dlive stuff, everybody is bashing them all over the place. I just took a look at what they are planning and have to disagree with about everyone.... It was a smart business decision for Dlive, with the new blockchain they will be able to do things that were completely impossible with steem. Plus it gives them a ton more scalability, that steem can't support. Basically, steem was just a wallet system for their dlive app. If someone actually looks at the upside for Dlive it is a no brainer move.