Great competition :)
Serious: I was doing a rotation in the neonatal intensive care unit (for premature babies) and one of the babies I was taking care of was a withdrawal baby. The mother was a chronic opioid abuser and was admittedly taking pain medications during pregnancy and was still abusing drugs. I thought for sure because of the fact that the pain medications could cross the breast milk it would be a bad idea to let the mom breastfeed. However, I was in fact wrong and research shows that letting mother breastfeed actually reduces withdrawal in these babies and increases mother-baby bonding. Something that seemed so counterintuitive at first but admittedly I was wrong.
Trivial/funny: When I was little, my parents told me I was going to be getting a "new addition to the family" in terms of a baby sister. At the time I was the only child and very small so I asked if they could just give the baby (my sister) back to the stork.. Later I apparently realized thats not really where babies come from and I was indeed going to be a big brother to a new baby sister.
Haha, at least you got that idea that the stork brings the babies cleared up before you went to medical school (doctor or nurse?).
I think that in the medical field, due to the complexity of biological forms and the possible "replication crisis" due to misunderstood statistical analysis (amongst other complicating factors), that the current "knowledge" is a rapidly moving target! I say this, not to cast doubt on the medical profession (my brother is a doctor and mum is a ER nurse), but just to say that a lot of the research that had been done in the past seems to need to require a revisit to re-confirm results. I had studied Theoretical Physics, and so there it is much easier to test theories. Apparently, these days it is unethical to make enough people sick with a particular ailment to randomly test treatments in a statistically significant way, meanwhile, no-one complains if we smash trillions upon trillions of particles at near light speed straight into each other!
Haha I'm a Clinical Pharmacist, just finished Pharmacy School and doing my residency now. Sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of the medical field coming from such a medically inclined family background.
There is a lot of misunderstanding in the medical field about statistical analysis. I had to take so many stat classes just because of this now and unfortunately a lot has to do with the pharmaceutical companies botching medical trials just to make their drugs "look" good or scientist getting paid to bias some "scientific article results." However, these issues are also impacted by other concerns such as ethics and not wanting to expose people to unjust risk if its not deemed "necessary."So I think at the end of the day, the problem is multifactorial in nature.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment back though :)
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