I hope a sbi helps him feel like his stuff has value but more importantly I want him to have more interaction with the people and join a community too!I’m tagging my bro @wayso who I’ve introduced steemit to but he’s overseas on holiday at the moment, he hasn’t figured out how to do dtube and dlive but he blogs, he doesn’t know how the system works yet - he only blogs and doesn’t vote or comment that much. He recently got robbed of his belongings and money so I did a fundition for him and that got him a little bit more interested in steemit haha.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you!!!! I hope that he stays interested in steemit! hehehehe (or else that SBI won't do him much good hehehehe) I'm so sorry to hear that he was robbed :(
I'm gonna go check out his blog! :)
went to visit his blog - i hope that he continues with the strong women series!!! :)
Thank you for visiting his blog!!
Yeh it’s hard with brothers haha cos they don’t want to listen to their sisters or their mums so can’t nag him too hard lol.
Posted using Partiko iOS
hehehehe yes - i know how it is ;) I have a brother too! hehehehe
and you're welcome for visiting his blog! i hope he tags me when the next one is ready :)
Oh I tagged you hehe he posted one yesterday but I don’t think he checked his comments he doesn’t use an app but the website I think.
Hehe younger brother too?
Posted using Partiko iOS
agh - I didn't see a bunch of GINA notifications - because i went to some of my posts today and saw a bunch of comments that GINA never told me!!!!
ok- i'll go look at his post directly :) thank you
and yes - younger ;)
Is Gina really good? I heard about it but hadn’t bothered to learn how to set it up hahaa
Posted using Partiko iOS
normally - yes!!!! amazing! but every once in a while she has a glitch!
but - despite that - i dont' know what i would do without Gina!!!! LOL