
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @onefatindian's bid of 0.376 STEEM

@onefatindian's bid of 0.376 STEEM has been overbid by @mulletwang's bid of 0.380 STEEM

bid 0.381

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @onefatindian's bid of 0.381 STEEM

@onefatindian's bid of 0.381 STEEM has been overbid by @sanchezpuukko's bid of 0.420 STEEM

bid 0.421

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @onefatindian's bid of 0.421 STEEM

@onefatindian's bid of 0.421 STEEM has been overbid by @sanchezpuukko's bid of 0.450 STEEM

bid 0.451

Hi @onefatindian, thanks for bidding, sorry you did not win. Just so you know this is an additional auction featuring Life (White) cards currently going for lower than what this auction ended at here

The bid was rejected because the auction was already closed