I have 2 mnh(mint never hinged)German World War 2 Stamps up for Auction. Both stamps are immaculate in condition and would be a welcome addition to anyone who is a stamp collector or a history buff.
- 1942 Deutsche WWII Stamp(The Storm Troopers Stamp)- Perfect condition (mnh)
- Bohemia and Moravia German Reinhard Heydrich's Death Mask stamp- Perfect condition(mnh)
I want to make sure you all know, that these are for collection purposes. I have collected stamps since I was a boy and thought the old WWII stamps, fairly rare and decent looking ones for anyone who is a history buff. Like myself. I by no means have any affiliation or belief in what these stamps stood for, just a simple collector, and an interesting time is history and they lost, so having something from back then is pretty neat.
I will add 1 sbd to whoever wins to the cost of the eventual auction for shipping to US/Canada
worldwide shipping must be done to an address, and will be 2 sbd
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Auction is now opened. Starting price is: 3.000 SBD
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Hey my friend you really have an old stamp and its really great to see this and this has a real value for the collectors collect this stuff. And I like it may you get a good collector over here.
they are almost 80 years old, but are absolutely gem perfect condition. I collect lots of things from history. I just happened to have a couple of stamps here with me where I am living because some friends wanted to see them. Then I saw this steembay and figured what the heck? I'll give an auction a try. We'll see.
Take care my friend.
It's great to know about your collection
i have over 50,000 stamps from all over the world from 50 countries, from the penny black to current day(2014) was the last year I bought any.
kya bhat hey aap to chha geye be ye hey kya
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