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A stupid face-off with a Frost Giant has left you in a bit of a pickle...
The stomp from its foot leaves your physical self pasted onto the ice blocks you were fighting on. The splash of blood red splatter scatters out against the white snow.

The wisp of your soul gracefully squeezes itself from your squashed corpse. You glide upwards through the air as the winds whistles through your essence.
Clouds lie before you, the white fills your field of view as you approach. Your vision is flooded as you enter the cloud line and the intensity of light increases rapidly until the moment you break through.
Sunlight and seas of white lie ahead, and what appears to be... a goblin in a wagon?

The goblin calls out to you from the side of the wagon. How is this possible? Has he met his demise too? What is going on?
You float over to the side of the vehicle and attempt to speak to him. Can you even speak?
"Hmmm, Someone got you before my dagger could?"
How is he even...? What is going on here...
You can only hover and listen in to what the goblin has to say. I wonder if he can help.
“I know what you are thinking meatbag. Many mysteries in this land, but up here your thoughts aren't one of them.”

The goblin turns back into his wagon and starts to begin unlocking a big chest which is chained to the side of the inside wall. As he opens it, an almighty glow shines out from inside the chest.
"This might help you. For the right price of course..."
He turns back to you and holds up a fighter card. It appears he wasn't joking.

Example: bid 260.5

There's a variety of trinkets on top of the front counter, all marked with varying prices. A battered book to the right of the assortment catches your attention. The cover is torn and the pages look stained.
It is titled... The Traders Tale.
bid 1
This bid was rejected because the amount is less than the starting price of 260.000 SBD
Nice try meatbag
end auction
End of #steembay Auction confirmed