If you're afraid of reading, scroll to the bottom for the auction information
The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.
Your journey has had some bumps in the road, and it's been no easy feat, but the reward up here is well worth it. You take a moment to soak up the atmosphere. Your eyes closed, arms by your side, your legs stiffening up from the climb, your senses align.
Until you open your eyes again...

"What are you doing up here, chump?!"
You could say the same thing.
A funky looking wagon appears almost out of nowhere and the goblin manning it calls out at you. Was the wagon here before? Surely not?
You decide to walk over to the vehicle, intrigued by the goblins presence.

There is a cabinet on the side of the wagon which is jam-packed with fighter cards. The goblin appears to be a trader of sorts, I wonder if he has some cards to match this epic atmosphere.
You ask how the goblin made it up the mountain but he has other things on his mind.
"Meatbag... I run a business here if you want a chat go to a hair salon... Did you bring coins? If so, I'll have a deal for you."
Everybody appreciates a good deal, so you nod your head and show interest for what the tall goblin has to offer. He rummages around the inside of the cabinet and pulls together a bundle of cards.
Your interest grows stronger as you realize what cards he is gathering up for you.

How disappointing. Is this goblin serious?
You thought he was going to give you a good deal. Slightly angered you shake your head and turn up your nose as you turn to walk away.
What kind of trader does he think...
"grmbl Fine! Clearly, you know a bit about value... let me sweeten the pot."

Example: bid 95.5

There's a variety of trinkets on top of the front counter, all marked with varying prices. A battered book to the right of the assortment catches your attention. The cover is torn and the pages look stained.
It is titled... The Traders Tale.
bid 96.0
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @gunsmithing's bid of 96.000 SBD
@gunsmithing's bid of 96.000 SBD has been overbid by @aggroed's bid of 100.000 SBD
bid 120
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @yabapmatt's bid of 120.000 SBD
@yabapmatt's bid of 120.000 SBD has been overbid by @aggroed's bid of 130.000 SBD
bid 136
gosh darnit!
The bid was rejected because the auction was ended by the seller
Better luck next time @yabapmatt. You have got to have your fingers on the trigger in this business... or the dagger. Whatever works.
You ended the auction early! They say it's not good to anger the gods :-)
Yes, that's no fun 48:00 hours is not 47:53..
bid 95.0
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @yabapmatt's bid of 95.000 SBD
Yes, i'm bidding for cards on my own game... Outside of the testing environment even I can't give myself the cards, and I want the cards because the game is going to be awesome :-)
Actually scratch that...the game is going to suck. Don't bid on this auction!
One of the gods has praised us with a visit!
No need to explain why you bid just make sure you bid A LOT!
Akox accepts any and all valid bids the higher the better the more the merrier!
Now meatbag stop scaring away my customers.... even gods bleed!
@yabapmatt's bid of 95.000 SBD has been overbid by @nikokafka's bid of 96.000 SBD
Bid was reactivated because @nikokafka has revoked bid of 96.000 SBD! Highest bid is now @yabapmatt's bid of 95.000 SBD
Bid 96
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @nikokafka's bid of 96.000 SBD
revoke bid
Bid was revoked by @nikokafka
bid 100.0
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @aggroed's bid of 100.000 SBD
Another god humbling us with his appearance
@aggroed's bid of 100.000 SBD has been overbid by @gunsmithing's bid of 103.000 SBD
bid 103
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @gunsmithing's bid of 103.000 SBD
when is 48 hours up?
48 hours After it started obviously.
But if you need hand holding meatbag,
that will be 21 June 2018 16:37 UTC
@gunsmithing's bid of 103.000 SBD has been overbid by @onetin84's bid of 105.000 SBD
bid 105.0
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @onetin84's bid of 105.000 SBD
@onetin84's bid of 105.000 SBD has been overbid by @gunsmithing's bid of 116.000 SBD
bid 116
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @gunsmithing's bid of 116.000 SBD
@gunsmithing's bid of 116.000 SBD has been overbid by @yabapmatt's bid of 120.000 SBD
bid 130.0
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @aggroed's bid of 130.000 SBD
@aggroed's bid of 130.000 SBD has been overbid by @aggroed's bid of 135.000 SBD
bid 135.0
The #steembay Auction was ended by the seller. The winning bidder is @aggroed with an amount of 135.000 SBD - Congratulations!
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @aggroed's bid of 135.000 SBD
Looks like you've bagged yourself a bargain, meatbag! Pleasure doing business.
Please check auction time, i think my bid came right before end, correct me if i'm wrong.
(Our apologies, I notice your bid came through at :36 and we had ended the auction at :30 due to the 16:30 UTC representation we had in our discord. Due to the manual nature of the auctions, a small misrepresentation in our information can cause confusion. I am not sure why we haven't got the exact time of finish in this post, we usually do. We can only go from the time taken at the end of the auction for this post.)
(We apologize for the misunderstanding. It was a mistake on our behalf and something we will ensure doesn't happen again).
@yabapmatt (Apologies. Please see the message above. Big mistake on our behalf).
now the gods and users are not pleased! 😤 please verify it next time, thanks! If you put the start time in text of the post it should be clear and can differ from announcement time (due technical issues or whatever).
(It's an opportunity to reflect and improve on the details for us. We will be verifying and taking extra care in the future to make sure this doesn't happen again. I've sent something to yourself and @yabapmatt to compensate you both for the misunderstanding).
i didn't see it in the Steeminator because got a bunch of gifts.. but guess it was someting golden. Indeed that's a bit more fun, thank you! I'm looking for the next auction!
end auction
End of #steembay Auction confirmed
Bid 151.0
The bid was rejected because the auction was ended by the seller
Excuse me my bid came right before end 6:36 pm @themonstertrader?