If you're afraid of reading, scroll to the bottom for auction info.
The ground below you crunches as you step on broken off branches in the thick forest. The dew-ridden plants at your ankles brush past you and start to soak your legwear.
Bugs float around your face, and irritate the life out of you, as you travel forward towards the light through the trees.
There is a loud bang out in the distance.

You follow the noise and stumble upon a funky looking wagon parked up in the forest. Intrigued and partly concerned, you head over to investigate.
"Jeeze! That was a close one!"
You hear noises from inside the wagon as you approach the counter on the side of it. You peer inside to see a tall goblin messing about with what appears to be explosives.
You cough gently.
“What?! Have you come to pester me or are you buying?”

He appears to be unphased from whatever the loud bang was. You look down at the counter and take a glance at the variety of fighter cards that are on stock.
There isn't anything of interest so you shake your head as you look up to the goblin.
"Urgh... you unsatisfiable creatures... No no don't worry I'll get up..."
The goblin turns around and kicks open a chunky looking chest. It screeches loudly as the hinges on the back swing it open.
A bright glow shines out from the chest lighting up the back of the wagon. The goblin grabs hold of something and turn back round to you, holding it up to your face.

Example: bid 250.5

There's a variety of trinkets on top of the front counter, all marked with varying prices. A battered book to the right of the assortment catches your attention. The cover is torn and the pages look stained.
It is titled... The Traders Tale.
Not gonna lie I normally don't mess with no goblins, but I like the business you're running here. What's it take for you to help me sell me Epic gold foil card?
Clever move! You should never mess with goblins! Especially dagger wielding ones!
Glad you like it, Akox is the best in the Bizz after all. (Not that the other meatbags are any real competition....)
Pop over to our office and let's see what we can do.
end auction
End of #steembay Auction confirmed