I've played more than 20 times. Never won once. The odds of this are astronomical. The poster is deliberately vague about what criteria are winning and rarely posts 'winner' and 'loser'. After I complained he pretended to 'look into it.' In reality nothing has ever been done. I've seen contests with almost 80 votes on either side paid out to only 20 winners. Others involved in these betting posts defend him.
I could go on and on...
Sadly I suspect there are multiple accounts 'in' on this. I'll be looking into having a forensic analysis of this entire shambles.
Thanks for the insights. We need more vigilance from this point onward. Their reputation also their purse increases the minute we took the bait.
Agreed. I'll shortly be documenting my story so far regarding this unfair betting nonsense. I'm also concerned about the connection between thegame and virtualgrowth. The latter has a decent reputation in the community but seems unwilling to look into my assertions about rigged payouts. Initially he said he'd check it out.... I know he was involved in setting up this specific betting platform (he told me so himself in chat) but others have claimed he runs the 'thegame' account. At present he has to have the benefit of the doubt but his recent absolute dismissal of my concerns leaves me concerned.