How to Whiten Natural facial Skin with Avocado and Tomato Fruit

in #steembloggers7 years ago

Every woman still crave white and clean facial skin. Various ways must have you try to do to whiten skin. Starting from using face care available on the market to the dermatologist.

There are actually ways to whiten the skin naturally with ingredients that are easy to find every day. Fruits and vegetables that we can find easily can help whiten your skin effectively.

One of the things that must be considered when you want to whiten skin is to adjust to your skin type. Although using natural ingredients you should also use the materials - materials that match the skin type yes, for this effective facial treatment.


Contains healthy fats Avocado is known for its high fat content. Do not be surprised first, because the fat contained is a polyunsaturated polyunsaturated fatty acid that can protect your skin. Monounsaturated fats are beneficial to keep the top layer of your skin moist, so it becomes soft and looks healthy. Meanwhile, according to Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, polyunsaturated fatty acids will keep your skin from sun damage, and protect it from symptoms of skin sensitivity and inflammation. Containing Antioxidants If our body metabolizes food or exposure to pollution, then the body will produce a by-product called free radicals. These free radicals are very damaging to cells, including our skin cells. The antioxidants found in avocados are like carotenoids, vitamin E and vitamin C, which are useful to help protect our body from free radical damage. One carotenoid called lutein promotes water content and skin elasticity, as well as reduces damage to very important skin lipids. Vitamin E will protect your skin from the effects of ultraviolet light. Meanwhile your body needs vitamin C to make collagen, which is a major structural compound and a source of skin elasticity and firmness. Contains Avocado Biotin contains about 2 to 6 micrograms of biotin, or between 6 and 16 percent of the recommended daily intake. Biotin is another name of vitamin B7 that is part of the vitamin B complex that is all needed for skin health. A body lacking biotin intake can cause dry, scaly, even red rashes. Topical Use of Avocado for Skin To soften the skin you can use avocado for the spa at home. Apply a softened avocado flesh all over your body. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off with a warm bath, then avocado oil will penetrate and soften your skin. You can also apply avocado flesh smoothed on your face to help eliminate signs of aging, or it could be by adding honey and yogurt to remove dead skin cells to make skin look glowing and youthful. If you are out of the house long, the apukat is applied to relieve the pain due to sunburn. As a facial cleanser This recipe to cleanse the skin pores and free the skin from dirt and excess oil. To make facial cleanser with avocado, you can add one egg yolks, half a cup of milk, and half an avocado. First shake the egg until it is foamy, and then add the finely avocado meat and milk. Stir until smooth as a lotion. Use this mixture to clean your face regularly. This will remove harmful toxins from your skin and make them look younger and radiant. For Hand Scrub: This mixture requires lemons to add scent, oats to accelerate absorption, and avocado oil to exfoliate to soft and smooth. Take some mashed avocados into the bowl, then add egg whites, whole grains, and a little lemon juice. Stir this mixture well, and use it to massage the hands. Wait approximately 20-25 minutes then wash your hands with warm water. For an oily skin mask: To make an avocado mask, you need lemon, egg white and half avocado meat. Lemon is useful as a natural astringent and controls the production of oil by the skin, while the eggs to whiten and maintain the skin with high protein content. Meanwhile avocado oil to balance the mixture. How to make this mask pack, avocado, egg, lemon water, and egg whites blender into one until a fine paste. Use this mask for your skin for twenty minutes before rinsing with warm water. For moisturizing masks: Materials needed, avocado as a moisturizer, honey as a natural antiseptic, and yogurt to cleanse and soften skin and tighten skin pores. Take two avocados to grab the meat and puree. Then add yogurt and honey and mix well. Apply mixture as a face mask and leave for fifteen minutes before rinsed with warm water.


1.Can brighten and moisturize facial skin
Tomato fruit has many content that is very beneficial for skin health such as vitamin C and E and has a very powerful anti-germ content in disinfecting germs on the skin. Tomato fruit can be used as a face mask that can brighten and moisturize the skin.

The trick is:

Take the fresh red tomatoes and then wash them clean so that the pesticide content is lost. After that split into several parts then rub all over the face and neck skin until evenly, then let stand about 15 minutes for the nutritional content in tomatoes can penetrate well. Then put it with a soft wet towel, then feel the result.

2.Can protect the skin from the sun
The heat of the sun can cause skin burning and even inflamed, if left alone it will adversely affect the health of your skin. But you do not worry because the tomatoes can be protective from the sun.

The trick is:

Blend 1 fresh tomato then add a little yoghurt, stirring until evenly distributed. After that, apply all over the facial skin and let stand for about 15 minutes. Then clean with cold water until clean, do this treatment regularly to get maximum results.

3.May reduce excess oil content
Oily skin can cause dull facial skin and pimples, this is caused by dead skin cells that are on the skin of the face. To overcome the problem of oily skin, you can use tomatoes as an alternative solution that is believed to be very powerful in overcoming the problem of oily skin.

The trick is:

Puree 1 medium-sized fresh tomatoes and 1 small cucumber, blend it with a blender. After that first clean your face then apply tomato juice throughout the face and neck until evenly, then let stand for 30 minutes then wipe with cold water. Perform this treatment on a regular basis every day until the oil content on your facial skin is reduced.

4.Can eliminate acne
Tomato fruit is also able to get rid of acne quickly,

The trick is:

Clean your face first with warm water before treatment. After that, puree 1 tomato with a blender until smooth and add lemon juice 2 tablespoons. Then apply all over your face for the results evenly, because in addition to eliminating acne this way is also useful to smooth your facial skin. After all is evenly, let stand for a night so that the result is maximal then clean in the morning with warm water and repeat with cold water. Perform this treatment every day until the acne is gone.

5.Can shrink enlarged pores
To shrink the widened pores, you can do the way using tomatoes.