Going to be taking the Steem Dollar profits from my @minnowbooster delegation to pay bots to upvote me to create even more Steem Dollars! .....Fun! This is still risky because the returns may be a little off. But as you can see it kind of worked in my favor :)
▶️ DTube
Upvote resteemed done
Good luck man! Just looked into bots myself!
You keep on impressing me bruh!!! What's your thoughts on iungo!?? I'm going to keep bugging you about till you respond!
Does this mean if you upvote me it won't be for as much?
sure it will be more than you expect, if you have a lot of steem power your upvote is much stronger :D

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known piece of shit. Do not reply to @trevonjb further and you will not be flagged. Have a great day!Real Bernies Anders found:
watch out for those Russians.. ;)
Trevon. Nobody has common sence. I get you people need to man up and take charge. To many kindergarden fake 2 faced ppl out there. I got your back.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known piece of shit. Do not reply to @trevonjb further and you will not be flagged. Have a great day!Real Bernies Anders found:
Hey @trevonjb welcome to Steemit! The voting bots are awesome 😬 feel free to check out my video course on Steemit for more details - it took me a bit to understand how they work and get the best ROI - happy to help answer any questions!
✅ I was watching your vid on youtube earlier, but every bot you opened up had the negative curation on it, i will keep trying with the tips you gave about trying at diffrent times in the day. Or delegating power etc.
Why are your posts being flagged? I see nothing wrong with them.
Hi trevon, i have tried the bot trackers myself but they do upvote but they are not quite profitable for minnow to use ,most of the time guys are gaming the system,and lots of guys end up loosing.
you did 50 sbd got 122 upvote
*0.75 = 91.5
divide by 2 = 45.75 = sbd
45.75 = 8.2 steem
you did make any difference trevon
you essentially broke even , if you would have bought steem directly you would have gotten 6 steem.
I only use the bots when it pays me atleast 2.5 times my investment.
I'm watching thank you for this video @trevonjb
Time and time again, the most successful entrepreneurs will keep on going in the face of failure because they are not giving up but learning and accumulating what strategies win and which lose in the war that is business or investment. In fact, depending on your perspective, life experience, religion, etc..life can sometimes be a battle (if not a war) and we all face hardship somewhere along the line. Nobody is immune. You wouldn’t be where you are now, if you didn’t fail or made mistakes on the road of your life. Only losers complain!
You are not a looser!
BS: Im new here if you follow me and ill follow back! lets build this community together!!!!
Try not to give anybody a chance to reveal to you it was you who cost them commit errors! In the event that they reveal to you they lost 💰 as a result of you, it's just their reason. Today You pick life. Oversights are constantly pardonable, on the off chance that one has the fearlessness to concede them. Imagination is enabling yourself to commit errors. I trust that in this year to come, I commit errors. A man must be sufficiently enormous to concede his errors, savvy enough to benefit from them, and sufficiently solid to revise them.
P.S your infant young lady is so darn adorable!
Make the most of your night!This was extremely intriguing , I welcome all the information you gave here @trevonjb. Much appreciated alot !!
Boy, I have a lot of learning to do on here!
its ok you can suck at explaining stuff because i suck at learning stuff lol im still trying to figure out that minnow vid you did
wow great voting bot result.
Damn guess my upvote from you will be worthless lol jp
yes you are right there is no guaranteed return on your sbd but its worth taking risk .plz make it simple that how we can take more profit from these bots,waiting for your next post.thanks
Bot are very risky you might end up loosing your little sbd
But they do worth it atimes
@trevonjb thanks for the video👌
Let's get on that Steem train & ride it! Make Free Money Bitcoin & other Cryptocurrency w/ Steemit & Dtube https://d.tube/v/josearteaga/mk736s97
Have to keep hustling one way or another right : )
Finally got my steemit account approved!!! It seems as if there's much for me to learn, I've been following your Youtube channel for several months. Got yo ass on twitter and now here as well. You out here doing the lords work. Keep dropping knowledge, ignore the haters, and keep on steemin on! Bless
Thanks for showing us how to grow @trevonjb!
I'm been finding it difficult to know the best bot to use, thanks for the post sir
I have been watching bot videos all day
Would be Interesting to see the results..
Trail and error my friend... trail and error!

Yeah Boi
Yeah that stuff will really give you a huge boost. Especially with the amount of SBD you have. You’re just making money with more money :).
This will definitely be helpful when I start to post content I deem worthy. Thanks again Tre, never disappoints!
I recommended randowhale, I have been using voting bots for about a week, randowhale is the best one and gave me the best return
Let's go Trevvvvvvvv I'm waiting for it to dip to even start up the minebooster. Once that's on it's game over guys.
Don’t let anyone tell you it was you who cost them make mistakes! If they tell you they lost 💰 because of you, it’s only their excuse. Today You choose life. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. I hope that in this year to come, I make mistakes. A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.
If someone blames you for their mistakes, it’s a week and pathetic.
nice vedio..reesteem done
This is exactly what I was waiting for from you. I always lose out on the bid bots.
finally got my account approved and looking forward to following you on a more positive platform!
Here you grow again. :) keep at it
Thanks for putting in all the research and experiments and thanks for sharing it all. Folks can take it or leave it but its good info you are dropping.
Great experiment. , so I'm glad you did it for us. It's probably profitable to use the bots if you do it consistently and get into a cycle, and those small 'profits' each day add up.
I always check this site before I get a vote bot. I also sometimes pay two or three bots the same amount, if their payout looks the same, and see which one wins.
Hey @trevonjb glad to see your back doing what you love. I am a massive fan of your channel and you actually inspired me to create a steam account and try to earn cryptocurrency rather than keep investing. So for that, I just want to thank you and share my Gratitude for you.
Respectfully, @cryptoquotes
So many bid snipers in the last 60 seconds, can easily push a profitable bid to unprofitable and the SteemBotTracker site doesn't update in real time.
How do we know when to use them is it sorta a gambling
It's basically gambling, yeah. Need to pay close attention to the different bot wallets and make sure there's a good amount of padding in terms of bids. Better to stick to the bigger voting bots I think, less chance of someone putting in a gigantic bid that drags down the ROI. On the small bots (low upvote value) someone can bid 1 SBD and make it unprofitable.
Thanks for the great info man!! Trying to keep up with posting on this site.
Gracias @trevonjb un abrazo. Buenas noches
@trevonjb I kinda hate how much stuff you gotta learn to properly utilize Steemit, but I hope it will be worthwhile in the long run if this all blows up.
It's sure risky but worth the risk @trevonjb
Loving what you do