U better watch ur Ps & Qs, buddy-boy - i see u talking to my boyfriend Marky, pisses me off! All 4 me not u! lol jk but still I see u working for my mortal enemy! kuz, "Oh Marky here's one, and one more marky!" Off limits due! He's going to get pissed if u bug him all day like that, you remind me of one of those little barking Chihuahuas! lol jk2 I'm his stalker, and yours now too!
Must have posted it from wrong account - oops -oh well 2 late now!-- Anyway that was just the message @kdtkaren sent 2 me to give to ya!(not me - from her):~)"
Seriously man, get help.
Check this out, wanna see some drugs, Here is my Cryp DMT! Very rare! ssh!

Bizarre fellow.
Yup I am one of a kind alright, thanks!🙏
Go take a good hard look at yourself, and that bad attitude of yours! really!