The flesh is the physical form of man. It is sensitive to touch, taste, sight, feelings, emotions, pain…It takes lots of grace to subject flesh from a lot of things it would naturally do.
The flesh wants to be free to fulfill its desires. It is weak in that it feels it is obliged to obey its desires and intentions. One of the reasons why JESUS came was to kill sin in the flesh; to destroy the works of the flesh in man. The flesh causes man to sin; it feels excited by anything and everything.
Galatians 5:19-21 (kjv)
- Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
- Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
- Envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of GOD.
The flesh lost its power of resistance to sin when it gave in to the first temptation it ever faced and like earlier said JESUS came to redeem man from that bondage of fulfilling the desire of the flesh even when it is dangerous to our spiritual life, thus He expects us to be fools for Him; humbly and mildly obeying His lead.
The Bible says whomever we choose to obey we are the servants of that thing. This can be interpreted thus; when we obey our flesh we become servants of our flesh because we do the will of the flesh. It then becomes an abomination when we allow the flesh have power over us.
As Christians it is our mandate to overcome the power of the flesh and live victoriously as GOD expects us to. Many of us do not realize that we are still under the power of the flesh. When I talk about fulfilling the desires of the flesh, I do not only mean sexual pressure.
The flesh manifests in different ways. We feel this sudden anger when someone insults us and our personality, we feel insulted and we just want to respond back and make sure we make a point and are not seen as fools little do we know that when we actually respond that is when we become fools. We give excuses that no man is perfect and yet we do not allow GOD do His perfect work in our lives to make us perfect. We resist the voice of our conscience when we are being warned not to make the wrong decision but yet we still ignore and claim that is how we were created.
Christians are the light of the world, they are the salt of the earth, and JESUS asked if the salt has lost its taste of what use is it? The salt has lost its essence and value. Any Christian that doesn’t act like one has lost its taste because Christians are supposed to radiate grace from their lives; in speech, action, lifestyle, academics, dressing and in our day to day affair.
We are fools for CHRIST not for the world. Yes as a sinner you have the grace to talk the way you wish and respond to insults and abusive words but as Christians we are subject to GOD, we became slaves of righteousness the day we accepted CHRIST into our lives not to conform to the ways of the world but to be transformed from our old self to our new self whom GOD has prepared for every man.
It might not be easy but like I said the flesh wants that man fulfills its desires so get familiar with GOD allow Him do a thorough work in your life and see the way you come out shinning and cheerful and seeing that nothing around you, no offense could get you angry, beloved I tell you, you will be so happy and proud of yourself. This is what GOD wants for us; for us to have victory the way that JESUS did, He already gave us victory by opening our eyes to the scheme of the devil, now the fight continues because men still fight the power of the flesh over their lives, you can’t do this alone but GOD expects you to partner with Him so that your victory will be final.
But every day I choose to remain a slave to GOD, righteousness and I refuse to be a slave to my flesh and sin.
LORD help me trust YOU to abide in me, to believe that you are there to convict me of every wrong move that I take and help me LORD to submit totally to YOU*. In Jesus name. Amen.
Wounderful sermon apostle @abiye ..... thanks for sharing this post
This world does not have anything good for us Christians. And for those who kill their desire for the fresh for the love of God are those that inherit the kingdom of God. Thanks for sharing @abiye
God is the way of truth and life, I will always be a refugee in his holy word. blessings brother @abiye
It was the flesh that nearly made prevented Jesus from fufiling his early journey, however filled with the holy spirit he conquered the flesh.
A whole lot of people overcame the flesh like Joseph, by running from sin of fornication.
Overcoming the flesh is a massive accomplishments for one's Christian faith.
To reach our gials in christ we have to shed many skins of ours we need to turn blind eye to thing wish do not bring glory to his name,we need to turn fools at our earthly moments or else we will be caught in the loop of earthly activities where we do not belong.
Never think about what people are saying about you.
Never always thing that what you are doing for God is a waste of time.
People may think you don't know what you are doing but hold on to what is good that you are doing for he never disappoint those who loves him.
We must be governed by Christ Jesus and not by the flesh. Obey the word of our Lord through the commandments, and thus we will find the truth.
Thanks for sharing this with us, Building godly character is the reason you were born. Remember, to do this, you must mortify and put to death the “old man” and all his characteristics. Then, you can move on to the new man and his characteristics—the fruits of God’s Spirit!
I'd rather be a fool for Jesus than being wise for the devil. If Jesus can grant me eternal life of rewards than torture then I'll be a bigger fool. The devil gives nothing but lies and torture of the soul.
The flesh is weak. Only by the spirit can we conquer the flesh.
Live for Christ, even if others sees it as foolishness.
Thanks for sharing
A christ like life is a kind of life that is lived with a steadfast heart for because it is a kind of life that doesn't make sense to this world. The world will look at us like fools at times but only in our heart do we know that it is no the case.
I definitely choose God as my Lord! we must also fill the spirit much more to be able to overcome our flesh, thanks for this teaching so profitable! @abiye