If only we know how far words go, we will mind every word that comes out of our mouth. If only we know either the damage or the good it does we will take much caution. Our words can go as far as making someone either give this life to CHRIST or not.
I usually say this if GOD honours His words more than His name, we children of HIS shouldn't take likely our words that proceeed out of your mouth.
James trying to bring full understabding that good water and bad water cannot flow from the source. A bad tree produces a bad fruit. Our words are seeds planted and is generated into a fruit; and it is either for good or for bad.
Many people do not know the implication of the negative words they say. We shall be either condemned or justified by the words of our mouth. Good words encourage, bad words discourages. You see many people are so eager just to hear the opinion of someone they really respect or value.
They do so because they words of the person has an effect on him and of course it has to be a positive effect. We should try as much as possible to be conscious of what we say and where we say then. Sometimes where we say certain things can affect our reputation. Some people wait to trap you with your words and use them against you.
That is why the Scribes, the Pharisees, the teachers of the law constantly kept questioning Jesus, waiting to trap Him with whatever He says. They knew they could manipulate Him with His words. Jesus knew this and He was always careful of that.
Not only because He didn't want to be found guilty before then but also because it was His lifestyle, He had learnt that His words are powerful. Watching what comes out of His mouth, became His commitment, lifestyle. His words encouraged people and they usually found nothing to use against Him.
I know it can be very tempting to respond to some certain comments made, but see Jesus as an example to all. You gain honour and respect when you keep silence over things that should normally hurt you.
Matthew 27:14.
And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.
The governor marvelled at Jesus discipline not to be angry at criticisms. As Christians what we say matter a lot. People watch us, Jesus watches us. No circumstance is an excuse for you to use words that do not glorify GOD.
Honour GOD in your mortal bodies, with everything and He shall give you grace to say words that are seasoned with salt.
Following the foot steps of Jesus always leads to peace and joy of the heart..Therefore let's all honor God in our mortal bodies and peace shall follow us....God bliss you @abiye
Thanks for sharing this post with steemchurch in the topic of life and death
As Christians we should really be careful with what we say sometimes it can make us, some other times it can Mar us, that's why the bible said life and death is in the power of tongue thats why Jesus did more, and said less.
Amazing here, brother @abiye
People die because of something said. Tongues can be weapons of mass destruction, launching holocausts and wars. Tongues can also be the death of marriages, families, friendships, churches, careers, hopes, understanding, reputations, missionary efforts, and governments. But people also live because of something said. The tongue can be “a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4). Tongues reconcile peoples and make peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9). Tongues can make marriages sweet, families strong, and churches healthy. Tongues can give hope to the despairing, advance understanding, and spread the gospel.
So what will come out of your mouth today, death or life? “Sword thrusts” or “healing” (Proverbs 12:18)?
We must be very careful of what we say sometimes, Many people do not know the implication of the negative words they say, If only we know how far words go, we will mind every word that comes out of our mouth. I pray that God will grant us ability to say the right words at the write time
What we say is of great value as to what people think about us. Moreover, we have to know that words can hurt the ones we love and it might be costly cause a depressing feeling.
In rhe long run our speech atimes has a way of implicating us so we must constanly circumciae our tongue to say the things necessary and keepsilent and the unworthy ones ,all our vocals should be doe rhe glory of his name without any excuse.
May God bless everyone and give everyone patience
Respect for God is very important we should all mind what we speak God is not mocked
And I believe we must honor Him in all things......
Let's not forget to honor Him with our bodies....
la palabra de tu boca, tiene poder, con proclamar el bien o el mal estas declarando que eso ocurra!!!
es mejor usar lo que sale de nuestra boca( lo que sale de la boca habla el corazón)
así que siempre es mejor lanzar palabras de bendición a todo y no de maldición porque la palabra tiene poder!!
excelente post!!
saludos y desde ya te ganaste un seguidor
one of the best gifts God gave man is the gift of words. words make or mar us. the are so powerful that they can affect the course of our life. As Christians,what we say is so important because it determines the quality of our of spirit. for Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Great article sir. i was really blessed
Words are seeds. The fruits we get is dependent of the effectiveness of seed we sow. When we speak positively, we release catalysts that serve as foundation for good living.
Nice Post Apostle.
The words of man are expression of the abundance of his heart. It can lead to life or death through the way it expresses the true intentions of that man.
That's what we're sowing. That's what we're going to harvest whether it's good or bad. Blessings