in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

images (70).jpegTrusting in jesus

The truth is that most times we all think that worry is the easiest way to bring solution to any thing well, it is the easiest way to kill a man. A lot of people can not help but to worry, well it may seem easy but not helpful to the health.

Even JESUS asked us not to worry in the book of Matthew 6:25-27 because He knows that there is no gain, no solution, no change when you begin to worry.

My dear, it is the enemy's plan to see you sit down and think about your life, this has led many people into committing suicide. Many people think there is no way out because many of the times they try to help themselves by themselves without allowing GOD help them out.

JESUS said all that labor should come to Him and give Him their burden and yoke. There would be an exchange of burden, you take JESUS' and He takes yours of which you know that JESUS has no worries whatsoever.

Worrying leads to depression and depression to death. JESUS did know what He was saying when He advised man. There is a better way out of every and any situation that has caged you and made you feel GOD does not love you.

JESUS is calling out to you to give Him all that bothers you. The solution is in JESUS only Him can deliver you from whatsoever that troubles you and steals rest from you. Come to JESUS and lay it all at His feet and see your life turn around for good


Thanks for your contribution to SteemChurch, we are glad to have you here. There is a great lessons to be learned from this post and as Christians we should trust on the word of God

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Life can be difficult. Being a Christian in a non-chrisitan world poses all kinds of problems. The world does not know Jesus. The world does not love Him. The world does not understand why He came. You, on the other hand, do know Jesus. You do love Him. And, you do understand why He came. He came to save you from your sins and to give you new life. He came to bring you peace and joy in the Spirit. He came so you might have fellowship with God.

These things you already know. And you also know that though you are saved from sin and filled with the Spirit of God, life in this world still is not perfect. It is still difficult.

The Christian is, in a sense, in a battle with the world. And the world is at war with the Christian -- with you. The world offers vices, self-fulfillment, and greed. The world wants to convert you to its paganism, to its ungodly devotion to the unholy. And if you don't conform, if you don't bend the knee to its idols and sacrifices, you will be ridiculed, mocked, and attacked.

One thing I realized is even if you worry you cannot change anything but you just have to lift your eyes to the highest God because he knows us well and he knows what we wantthanks for the beautiful message @druids worry is really a bad spirit it makes you think that God cannot handle your problems and it is you only who Can solve it.

Preferably, we should promote faith.
Faith kills worry and fretfulness - a substance of things hoped for and evidence of things unseen.

Paul sAys for how many of you can add a single life to yourself by worrying..
For the bird of the air farms not but yet God in heaven provides for them.
You cant not change anything by worrying.
Rather take action.Positive actions towards solving your problems.
For our heavenly father is sufficient for you.And he can provide all your needs.

@abiye you got it right, some christians worry too much and Focus on the wrong direction.

They pray the wrong prayer, they will still come asking why did God allow them to fail. Not knowing they cause their problem themselves..

When we worry not,Jesus will be there to lift us up. It is true that

My dear, it is the enemy's plan to see you sit down and think about your life, this has led many people into committing suicide.

Also when you are thinking too much,another thought that is against God will bump into your mind and that could make you lose what God has in mind for you. Thanks @abiye

Great message brother @abiye, we must always put our trust in Jesus, look after us and shout, before worrying about something that maybe we can not solve, but we have a Christ who can do it for us. Amen.

Definitely true that worry cannot help us. Learning to trust in Jesus takes great decision making as well as self reminders. Just started following you. I am from Singapore by the way. A little upvote from me!

Trusting totally in God, believing that He will take charge of all our difficult situations is the best form of approach rather than worry. Thanks for the inspirational article @abiye

@abiye you hit the nail on the head, a few christians stress excessively and Focus on the wrong bearing.

Incredible message sibling @abiye, we should dependably put our trust in Jesus, take care of us and yell, before stressing over something that perhaps we can not understand, but rather we have a Christ who can do it for us.

They supplicate the wrong petition, they will in any case come inquiring as to for what reason did God enable them to come up short. Not knowing they cause their concern themselves..

Worrying is a burden to the very existence of the soul, sometimes, it's of material things, at other times it's what will occupycthe belly and as a result of this, people end being nervous, being exposed and being worried of little things when Jesus has saith cast all the burdens on him.